
Todd M. Beamer

by Tyler from Cornwall

``Let`s Roll!``
<a href=>Todd Beamer </a>
Todd Beamer

To me, a hero is someone who has done something major, not to the whole world, but to one single little group. The best person to fit this description is Todd Beamer. He was aboard United Flight 93 that was believed to be heading towards the White House. Todd Beamer is a 9/11 hero.

<a href=>Todd Beamer and his family</a>
Todd Beamer and his family

Todd Beamer was 32 years old and lived in Cranbury, New Jersey, when the accident occurred. Todd was born November 24, 1968 and died on the day of September 11, 2001. Todd’s wife was named Lisa Beamer. They had 2 children when he died on September 11th, David who was 4, and Drew who was 2. Lisa Beamer was expecting in January, a baby girl named Morgan Kay. Todd Beamer was an account manager for the Oracle Corporation. He attended Los Gatos High School, Wheaton Academy, DePaul University, California State University, Fresno and Wheaton College.

"Let`s Roll!"
"Let`s Roll!"

Todd Beamer is brave to have to overcome the fear to fight with a terrorist who had hijacked United Flight 93 and was headed toward the White House. Beamer was devoted to saving lives by taking over that plane and crashing it into a field instead of killing others in the White House. Beamer is obviously fearless to fly a plane for the first time in his life and change its direction to crash it into an empty field. Todd Beamer formed a group to fight with the terrorists hijackers and for this, he showed himself as a leader. Beamer is positive because although he was in the worst situation and he knew he was not going to come out of this plane alive nor save the plane’s occupants, he was positive on saving others’ lives instead of his own.

<a href=>The White House</a>
The White House

Todd Beamer has deserved the title of a hero because he fought for his and others’ lives. He has formed a group to fight and take down the terrorists that hijacked his flight instead of sitting in his plane seat, do nothing and let the hijackers reach their destination. Todd and his little group took over the plane and crashed the plane into a field instead of the White House, where it was believed to be heading. The biggest fear for Todd Beamer was that if he could even fight with the terrorists and take them down, another fear was to fly a Boeing 767 plane for the first time in his life without training. The plane was flying to San Fransisco from Newark.

<a href=>United Flight 93</a>
United Flight 93

Todd Beamer is a hero to many because he sacrificed his life to save hundreds. Although the United Flight 93 occupants did not survive, he has saved many lives at the White House. Todd Beamer is definitely a hero.

Page created on 10/22/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/22/2007 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Passenger Todd Beamer - Post Gazette
Todd Beamer - Washington Post staff writers