The emperor Trajan, or Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born on September 18th, 56. He was the son of Marcus Ulpius Traianius and Maria. His Spanish origin made him the first emperor not to come from Italy. Of his mother, very little is known but it is known that his father was a very important and highly respected man being that he was the first senator in his family.
Trajan gained his first major political office in 71 AD when he was made Tribune at the age of 15. Under Nerva, Trajan's career advanced. The succession was quick and undisputed as Trajan became emperor of Rome. During his reign, he instituted new programs that would help cities and provinces whose finances were strained. To administer this new program, Trajan sent a group of administrators, the "correctors," to examine the problems that the cities and provinces were facing and to enforce a new system in which the financial situation of the city, or province, could be restored. Trajan reduced taxation, and also abolished the ascension gifts which were given to previous emperors, by the people.
"The new emperor entered the city on foot, he embraced each of the senators and even walked among the ordinary people. This was unlike any other Roman emperor and perhaps grants us a glimpse of Trajan's true greatness." 23 Apr. 2008 (
All of this modesty and openness really helped Trajan gain yet more support during the first years of his reign. Throughout Trajan's reign he did a lot to help. The road network in Italy was repaired in sections which passed through wetlands and many bridges were built. Also provisions for the poor were made, especially for small children. Special imperial funds were created for their upkeep.
Emperor Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was a great hero to most people because of his caring nature. He was always looking out for the people less fortunate than him. Helping the poor, reducing taxes, and the "Correctors" were just some of the things he did for others.
Page created on 7/4/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 7/4/2008 12:00:00 AM