
Harriet Tubman

by Tomi from Dalton

Harriet Tubman was a black slave. She started working as a slave when she was 5 years old. When she was 13 years old her head was injured by a rock thrown at someone else, causing her to have blackouts.

In 1844 Harriet married a free black man named John Tubman. She was allowed to sleep in his cabin at night, but she still had to work as a slave. Harriet heard that her owner was leaving and that meant she would have to go to the deep South. So she planned a way to get free.

She traveled all the way to Pennsylvania on foot. During her escape she stopped at every church she passed for help. She escaped through a route called the Underground Railroad. She knew she would have to go back and free her sister and two children.

Harriet had a long journey back and freed over 300 black slaves.People were offering over 40,000 dollars for her arrest, but they never caught her. She lead over 300 people free into Canada. Harriet was known as the "Moses Of Her People."

During the Civil War she worked as a nurse and scout for the North. Harriet established an elderly home in upstate New York.The Tubman Home for Aged and Indigent Colored People in Auburn is now a museum.

Harriet died in poverty in 1913. She had dedicated her life to saving others. Harriet is a true hero to many, including Julia Abel.

Page created on 3/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/1/2004 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links - Pauline Johnson speaks of Harriet Tubman