
Vin Scully

by Blake from San Diego

Vin Scully waiting for is cue to start the game. (
Vin Scully waiting for is cue to start the game. (

It's time for Dodgers baseball, are the words said by the great Vin Scully before every single Dodger baseball game. There was a reason why he is "Known as the "Voice of the Dodgers," to others the name Vin Scully means so much more. Scully was a light and the end of the tunnel of people life's. He gave people something to life for, something to wake up to and every morning and know that his voice would be there if food wasn't. Vin Scully is one of the top sportscasters in American history."( Vin Scully)Scully is An American baseball commentator and has been doing it for over 60 yrs .He commented in Los Angeles and Brooklyn."The American broadcaster Vin Scully (born 1927), as the voice of the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers".(Vin Scully). As a colorful commentator He was a dominant figure; but Scully wasn't always the big kid on the block.He lived a poor life as a young boy in New York. His father died when he was 10; but he fought through the hardships and has become one of the most appreciable voice of today.Some would say that Vin Scully is an American Hero; but what defines a hero? What makes an ordinary person and extraordinary person? What makes them a hero? The Webster dictionary says a hero is " a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities." But it doesn't take a tragic event or a crazy act of bravery to be classified as a hero.  All it takes is to be the kind of person that will do something for others and expect nothing in return. It could be opening the for someone or helping someone pick up something they dropped. In Vin Scully's case he was  a reliably, humble and consent man trying to do his job to the best of his ability. Therefore it can be said that Vin Scully is an American hero.

It could be said that Vin Scully is a reliable man who can be counted on by all of his co-workers, peers, and fans; but saying something doesn't mean it is true. In Scully's case It can also be seen here when explained by Enders. "Known as the "Voice of the Dodgers," Vin Scully is one of the top sportscasters in American history. In addition to his more than sixty years as a play-by-play announcer for the Brooklyn and then Los Angeles Dodgers," (ENDERS). It didn't matter how miserable your day was going or what was happening in the world you knew you could always turn on the radio or TV and listen to sweet music of the crowd and the ever reliable voice of the Dodgers of Vin Scully. Scully's unique voice was sometimes the only thing Dodger fans could count on all day. "One evening in 2010, Scully suffered what doctors later diagnosed as a vasovagal episode; he stood up too fast, got dizzy, fainted, and fell, hitting his head. Eighty-two-year-old Scully was back in the broadcast booth just days later"(Vin Scully st).

Scully did whatever he could to stay in the booth and be here for the people to hear the voice of the Dodgers. Throughout sickness and injury he did whatever was needed to stay reliable. He wanted to stay the light at the end of the tunnel"But really, we wanted to see only one man: Vin Scully, the team's announcer since Harry Truman was in office." ( Silverman) This quote shows how Vin Scully was looked up to. Grown man were turned into little boys wanting to see and hear the voice of the Dodgers. He is seen as inhuman but he doesn't let that go to his head he acts the same as if they were friends who have know each other for years. Has said before Vin Scully is a reliable man who can be counted on by all. He would talk to anyone or help anyone, He treated everyone equal.  

Vin being mentored by Red. ( (MLB Blogs))
Vin being mentored by Red. ( (MLB Blogs))

Vin Scully constantly projects a humble demeanor towards all people looking up to him. Vin Scully is not the type of man to take all the fame for himself. He always finds someone in his life to give it all too."Red was my teacher . and my father," Scully recalled. "I don't know-I might have been the son he never had. It wasn't so much that he taught me how to broadcast. It was an attitude. Get to the park early. Do your homework. Be prepared. Be accurate. He was a stickler for that." (ENDERS)Scully says he owes all of his success to barber. He doesn't take credit for any of his legacy. Without Ol' Red Scully might still be in the military where he sang and participated in numerous activities. The only way you could've heard the iconic voice of the Dodgers would to have heard it coming through the barracks on the base or in a barbershop. It's kind of ironic a man named barber Helped Scully not be a Barber. Vin Scully is was a man who saw himself as an everyday man who was just going to work and doing his job. He didn't view himself as a better person or a celebrity. In 1998 Scully retired from national broadcasting to concentrate solely on broadcasting for the Dodgers. All told, he called twenty-five World Series and twelve All-Star games over the course of his career. (Vin Scully ST)Scully had so many achievements throughout his career. Yet he thinks nothing of it. He finds the fact that he makes peoples day more important than awards and plaques. Scully was a very connected to his work. Sometimes he would get carried away and he would lose track of his surrounding. He would just be focused on the game in front of him and the mic in his hand. Scully's connection to the sport is also emotional, and despite his humble demeanor, you can see the specter of mortality creeping into his narrative.(Silverman) This Quote directly states that Scully is a humble man you cares about his job to much to leave it all behind as well as leaving the fans of the Dodgers and him behind. Has said before Vin Scully constantly projects a humble demeanor towards all people looking up to him.  

Vin Scully Receiving an award.  ( (
Vin Scully Receiving an award. ( (

Vin Scully constantly projects a humble demeanor towards all people looking up to him. Vin Scully is not the type of man to take all the fame for himself. He always finds someone in his life to give it all too."Red was my teacher ... and my father," Scully recalled. "I don't know-I might have been the son he never had. It wasn't so much that he taught me how to broadcast. It was an attitude. Get to the park early. Do your homework. Be prepared. Be accurate. He was a stickler for that." (ENDERS)Scully says he owes all of his success to barber. He doesn't take credit for any of his legacy. Without Ol' Red Scully might still be in the military where he sang and participated in numerous activities. The only way you could've heard the iconic voice of the Dodgers would to have heard it coming through the barracks on the base or in a barbershop. It's kind of ironic a man named barber Helped Scully not be a Barber. Vin Scully is was a man who saw himself as an everyday man who was just going to work and doing his job. He didn't view himself as a better person or a celebrity. In 1998 Scully retired from national broadcasting to concentrate solely on broadcasting for the Dodgers. All told, he called twenty-five World Series and twelve All-Star games over the course of his career. (Vin Scully ST) Scully had numerous achievements throughout his career. Yet he thinks nothing of it. He finds he makes peoples day more important than awards and plaques. Scully was a connected to his work. Sometimes he would get carried away and he would lose track of his surrounding. He would just be focused on the game in front of him and the mic in his hand. Scully's connection to the sport is also emotional, and despite his humble demeanor, you can see the specter of mortality creeping into his narrative.(Silverman) This Quote directly states that Scully is a humble man you cares about his job to much to leave it all behind. As well as leaving the fans of the Dodgers and him behind. Has said before Vin Scully constantly projects a humble demeanor towards all people looking up to him.

Vin Scully pitching the first pitch ( (SI))
Vin Scully pitching the first pitch ( (SI))

Vin Scully is a man of consistency he has lived his live the same way for over 60 years. From Brooklyn To Los Angeles it did matter where Vin Scully was always find ways to talk sports. It didn't matter if it was talk show or a sportscast he was talking sports. A "literate baseball announcer who, in more than fifty years with the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers, used evocative descriptions and an eye for detail to establish himself as perhaps the most outstanding and influential broadcaster in the game's history."(ENDERS)This quote shows how Scully was constantly a hero. He gave someone a person to count on for over 50 years. He was sometimes the thing people could count on in there life.Known as the "Voice of the Dodgers," Vin Scully is one of the top sportscasters in American history. In addition to his more than sixty years as a play-by-play announcer for the Brooklyn and then Los Angeles Dodgers, Scully announced play-by-play for the World Series, All-Star games, Game of the Week, National Football League (NFL) games, and Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) Tour events, exposing his mellifluous vocal styling to viewers from coast to coast."(Vin Scully ST)This Quote show how Scully is constantly doing something and finding new ways to be the voice of anything and bring joy to people's lives. He did whatever he could to keep his voice alive and heard."Despite having followed the franchise from Brooklyn to Los Angeles, Scully exhibits little bias for the team that employs him. He remains stubbornly impartial, so much so that the occasional Dodgers player has questioned his loyalties. He loves the Dodgers, but his appreciation of baseball is aesthetic, so he celebrates excellence in the Dodgers ace Zack Greinke as readily as he does in, say, Gerardo Parra, a journeyman outfielder whose strong defensive play when he was on the Arizona Diamondbacks made him a Scully favorite. ''(Silverman) Although at some times the players and coaches joked with Scully about his loyalty to the Dodgers. It was Known Scully Bleed Blue he was a Dodger at heart. He enjoyed the game of baseball too much too not acknowledge talent when he saw it. Has said before Vin Scully has lived his live day by day, the same talking sports.

As said before Vin Scully posses the trait reliability humbleness and conscience therefore it can be said that Vin Scully is an American hero. Basically Vin Scully was and still is Inspiration wherever he goes he does whatever he can to make your day or help you. He also had one of the biggest careers in sports. He was always talking about sports. Scully inspires me because he has been work for an incredible amount of time and still overwhelmingly succeeds at his craft. He has truly perfected the heart of commentary.He also is a big inspiration because Scully believes that he is merely a "normal" person just doing his job, but he means much more to some many apart of the Dodgers Family and fan base. He is the hero to them and they are watching him and his legacy in the booth. Too sum it up His voice was one of a kind, he truly is the voice of the Dodgers.

Works Cited Staff. "Vin Scully Honored with Lifetime Achievement Award by LA Sports

Council." ABC7 Los Angeles. ABC7, 26 Feb. 2016. Web. 04 May 2016.


ENDERS, ERIC. "Vin Scully." The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Thematic Series:

Sports Figures. Ed. Arnold Markoe and Kenneth T. Jackson. New York: Charles

Scribner's Sons,2002. Biography in Context. Web. 5 May 2016

Silverman, Jacob. "Vin Scully." The New York Times Magazine 11 Oct. 2015: 30(L). Student

Resources in Context. Web. 4 May 2016

Sports, Bob Nightengale. "Vin Scully Embarks on Final Season, Ready to 'squeeze the

Juice out of Life'" USA Today. Gannett, 12 Apr. 2016. Web. 05 May 2016.



"Vin Scully." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Vol. 31. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Biography in

Context. Web. 5 May 2016.

"Vin Scully." St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Biography in

Context. Web. 5 May 2016.

Page created on 5/22/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/22/2016 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Official Dodgers Website
Vin Scully Official Website