
Pancho Villa

by Norma from Lawndale

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pancho villa

My hero is General Doroteo Arango/Pancho Villa. He was born in the year 1877 (although there are arguments about 1878 and 1879). Since Villa belonged to a very poor family, there are no records of his parents. He claims to be the son of a rancher, Luis F. Gurrola, and of Marcela Arambula De Arango, a maid. He fought for the poor, not really to free them, but so they could have good jobs and be allowed to own land. He was a fighter in the Mexican Revolution.

He accomplished many things. He fought in the revolution of Mexico. He managed to outnumber them and appeared victorious. All he had was men with guns willing to fight for their rights. He also changed his life dramatically and went from being an outlaw to a well-known general. On March 9, 1916, he led 1,500 Mexican raiders across the border to attack Columbus, New Mexico in response to the U.S. government officials.

Villa lived in San Juan Del Rio, Durango. He lived on his father's ranch and worked there. After he became an outlaw he didn’t really live anywhere. Pancho spent most of his outlaw life hiding in Chihuahua and at border of the U.S., hiding out. In 1923 Villa was assassinated in Parrel, Chihuahua. His tomb today lies in Durango, Mexico.

Pancho Villa lived in the time that the revolution was starting. Back then it was really hard to be poor. There were a lot of hardworking poor people and they weren't accepted. That’s why Pancho fought. People today are poor in Mexico, but they are fine with it because they won't be judged.

During his lifetime, not a lot of people would accept Pancho, but one person accepted him wholeheartedly. Abraham Gonzales was his mentor and confidante. He achieved a lot due to Abraham's guidance and support. Abraham educated him and made him see the political life, and that was why he worked towards becoming a general. Pancho Villa, in my eyes, was a great man, an honest, wise and just individual who fought for those like him and succeeded.

Page created on 1/9/2006 11:18:48 AM

Last edited 1/9/2006 11:18:48 AM

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Related Links

Pancho Villa - Friend to the Poor