
Walt Disney

by Noreen from Mississauga

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
Walt Disney (<br>libertas/wp-content/uploads/2006/11/images5.gif)
Walt Disney (

When you hear the word “hero”, what image comes first in your mind? Many probably picture Superman, Hercules, or maybe even a best friend. But a hero is commonly defined as someone with courage, with outstanding achievements, and the willingness to do the greater good. My hero may have never rescued anyone from a burning building, but he is certainly an inspiration, loyal and persistent. That amazing person, as the world knows him, is Mr. Walt Disney.

Walter Elias Disney (1901-1966) was a spectacular artist in the entertainment industry. His love for drawing had flourished into a business since he was 7 years old. Walter sold off drawings and even told stories in class while drawing on the chalkboard (with the teacher’s permission, of course). Even until now, huge productions such as Meet the Robinsons and Wall-E, have been remarkable hits of the decade. His productions have been earning over $35 million since 1938. Surely, Walt Disney has left a wonderful legacy for generations of young children to come.

Walt Disney is my hero because he was an inspiration to both artists and children alike. Through the well-known Mickey Mouse character, one of the main stars in every cartoon, story and illustration, Walt educated and showed problems in a whole new light. His creative animations entertained over 200 million people, including presidents, kings, and queens worldwide! His comical creations made kids' imaginations soar, and profited both his own company and others with his imaginative, out-of-the-box way of thinking. Walt Disney contributed to making his dream of becoming an artist come true. Likewise, he taught others, through his works of art, to be optimistic - always looking on the bright side of things.

Mickey Mouse, a main character
Mickey Mouse, a main character

Secondly, Walt never got caught up in the fame and adoration of others, as most celebrities do. He never neglected his family or friends for business, even though he was so busy. His daughter, Diane Disney Miller, once said:

Daddy had never missed a father’s function no matter how I discounted it. I’d say, “Oh Daddy, you don’t need to come. It’s just some dumb thing.” But he’d always be there, on time.

Instead of socializing with the most famous people in show business, Walt Disney chose to stay home with his family. Walt knew the truly important things in life, and never hesitated to give them time.

Also, he created Disneyland, the “Happiest Place on Earth”, where many families go to just enjoy being together. He, as my hero, truly cared about others, and made an enormous impact on everyone he met because of the morals he established for himself. He has shown the world the importance of always making time for the people closest to you, to cherish the happy memories, because you don’t know when your life will end.

A series about a human girl in a cartoon world (
A series about a human girl in a cartoon world (

Furthermore, he never gave up during the rocky times of his career. When he learned that his company, Laugh-O-Grams, had gone bankrupt, and that he himself had no money, he was determined to keep producing cartoons and drawings. Walt got help from his brother, Roy O. Disney, and together they were able to start a new business featuring the Alice Comedies.

It’s amazing how he overcame all the negative criticism, which started in kindergarten! Back then he and his kindergarten classmates were drawing pictures in class, and Walt had drawn flowers with happy faces. Logically, the teacher assumed his naïve thinking would take him nowhere and then told Walt he would “never amount to anything.” Instead of taking the comment to heart, Walt used it to propel himself further, and proved that teacher wrong. After hearing that story, I remember the talent competition I joined a few years ago, and the comments I received after my performance, both negative and positive. Remembering Walt Disney, I used the criticism to improve. Of course, I didn’t win the competition, and since then, I have been taking lessons. I’ve improved a lot, with my coach’s help, and I’m really glad that I used the comments to help me become the person I am today, instead of letting them tear me apart. Walt Disney, as my role model, persisted, leading to so much one would be able to believe all the hardships that he went through.

In conclusion, Walt is my hero because he has made such a huge impact on my life, with all the things he has done. He has given me, and other children, hope - for today and tomorrow. As Walt Disney once said, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” And he’s definitely right; through every thunderstorm, hurricane or flood, we keep moving forward.

Page created on 7/7/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/7/2008 12:00:00 AM

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