The following story was written by a high school student.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

by Ryan from San Diego

137731Wolfgang Amadeus MozartJohann Nepomuk della Croce [Public domain] "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything" (Plato). Music can empower a person to achieve great things. One of the greatest masters of the art of music was born on January 27, 1756. Born in Salzburg, Mozart was a musical genius. He composed over 200 pieces throughout his life and was a child prodigy, playing the harpsichord as young as age 4. He continued to compose until his death on December 5, 1791. The letters Mozart's father wrote about his son help us to see into the life of this extraordinary talent, and he is also one of the most researched historical figures in music. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart deserves the title of hero because of his early maturity, his incessant determination, and his ability to use his celebrity status for good.

Mozart's early maturity was instrumental in making him an excellent model of a hero. This maturity was present in nearly everything Mozart did or made. Even at younger ages, he was as mature and composed as a much older musician. "From his tenth to his seventeenth year Mozart grew in stature as a composer to a degree of maturity equal to that of his most eminent older contemporaries; as he continued to expand his conquest of current musical styles, he outstripped them. He spent the years 1766-1769 at Salzburg writing instrumental works and music for school dramas in German and Latin, and in 1768 he produced his first real operas: the German Singspiel (that is, with spoken dialogue) Bastien und Bastienne and the opera buffa La finta semplice" (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Mozart's refined music had already developed past others far older and more experienced than him, and he was only 17 years old. This demonstrates his exceptional ability to act as a far older and mature person; even then he was not willing to be deterred from his dream. He continued to write more music, and even composed operas, as he realized that he could not become stagnant in his development. Mozart was always passionate about his music, and without that he would not be as remarkable as he is known to be today. Music made his life significant to him and many others. Maturity is very important in a society like the one we have today. It allows people to make the best possible decisions for our future and to stay composed and mature under pressure. When heroes and leaders are immature, rash decisions can be made with little or no consideration for the future. Mozart's maturity was evident from ages as young as 6. He performed for King Louis XV while on his first European tour at age 8. His father said of the opportunity: "Suffice it to say that Wolfgang, but not my little girl, had the privilege of performing before His Grace" (The Letters of Mozart and His Family). Mozart was clearly an extraordinary talent. His father spoke of the opportunity being available to only Wolfgang, but not his sister Nanerl. The reason for this was in large part due to Mozart's outstanding talent; the majority of society's 8-year-olds would not have the maturity or composure to perform in front of a king. However, Mozart was able to do this. The maturity and composure demonstrated in this performance and throughout his young life made him an excellent example of a hero, in both his society and the one we see today.

Every society also needs a hero that is determined and is not willing to give up on something they truly want to accomplish. Even in the face of family tragedy, Mozart continued to compose and to follow his passion of music. When Mozart faced failure, he did not give up, but instead continued to work on his music: "But after 9 difficult months in Paris, from March 1778 to January 1779, Mozart returned once more to Salzburg, having been unable to secure a foothold and depressed by the entire experience, which had included the death of his mother in the midst of his stay in Paris. Unable to get a commission for an opera (still his chief ambition), he wrote music to order in Paris" (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Mozart displayed determination in this act of adversity. He not only failed to find a possession in Paris, but his mother also died. Mozart continued to produce music and pursue his love of music and his true dream of creating operas. Mozart's determination made him a hero because of the impact a solid work ethic can have on a result for anything. In this case, it made Mozart into a classic composer that is an icon for any music. Despite the respect he is given today, Mozart had to fight for his position throughout his life, as positions for musicians were considered very unstable in his time. The reason musicians are so well respected today is in large part due to Mozart, as: "Despite his successes, Mozart had continued to seek financial stability, which he achieved with a court appointment in 1787. Mozart had always rebelled against a common tendency at courts to view musicians and composers as little more than skilled servants. He felt that he and his colleagues should be able to live affluently and to move freely in all kinds of society" (Arts and Humanities Through the Ages). Mozart was not to be deterred by his lower income. He was determined to continue with the dream he had. The revolutionary action Mozart took to change the way musicians were and are viewed by society is an excellent example of why Mozart deserves to be called a hero. He was not willing to settle for the status of a musician, but made it a much respected position. People who are willing to change society and lead those changes are essential to the world. Mozart led one of these changes, making him very important to the musicians of today. This determination is a very heroic trait, as it provides drive to motivate that person. Mozart's pure determination and drive were on display at many times throughout his life. These cases of determination are prime examples of Mozart's ability to be a hero to so many generations.

Another reason Mozart is a hero is because of the celebrity status that his talent earned him. Mozart has been praised by so many people in the hundreds of years since his death. "Mozart's mastery of the whole range of contemporary instrumental and vocal forms-including the symphony, concerto, chamber music, and especially the opera-was unrivaled in his own time and perhaps in any other" (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Mozart was an extraordinary musician, and this is a major reason why he is still remembered today. He not only performed music, but was also a composer of incredible skill, showing his creativity and ability to invent. Mozart's music spanned over a wide range of genres and styles, demonstrating his creativity and ability to be open minded. Both of these traits are extremely important for a hero. Mozart's creativity and musical skill were not appreciated everywhere, but many in Italy realized his musical genius earlier than others. His father wrote of the experience: "What especially pleases me is that we are extraordinarily popular and that Wolfgang is admired here even more than he has been in all the other towns of Italy" (The Letters of Mozart and His Family). Mozart was recognized in most of the continent, as he was extremely famous and successful. His success was a result of his hard work and talent. This fame gave Mozart the ability to have a large impact on society. Without his fame and status of celebrity, his contributions would not have spread as quickly, and less people would have recognized them. These contributions are results of Mozart's fame, talent, and creativity. These traits helped to make him the hero that he was.

The young maturity, unstoppable drive, and extraordinary skill of Mozart made him a heroic figure. He demonstrated a unique ability to act far older than his age, with a tour of Europe at only age 6. He was also determined to make a difference in the world at many points in his life, including his efforts to increase the respect given to musicians. Mozart is widely known as one of the greatest musicians, with talent that most likely exceeded everyone in his time. I am a musician, so I notice the effect Mozart has had on my life more than others might. Mozart's influence can be seen in the majority of the music I see on any given day. Today's music stars have Mozart to thank for their fame and fortune. Heroes like Mozart are not always recognized, and many celebrities today may not be heroes. Mozart, however, was able to utilize his celebrity status to help advance the profession he loved. Mozart is an excellent role model for anybody in a society like the one we see today.


Works Consulted

"Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)." Encyclopedia of European Social History.

Ed. Peter N. Stearns. Vol. 6: Biographies/Contributors. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2001. 233-236. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

"Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus." Arts and Humanities Through the Eras. Ed. Edward I. Bleiberg,

et al. Vol. 5: The Age of the Baroque and Enlightenment 1600-1800. Detroit: Gale, 2005. 272-273. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Emily Anderson, and Cecil B. Oldman. The Letters of Mozart &

His Family. London: Macmillan, 1938. Internet Archive. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. .

"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998.Biography

in Context. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.

"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." Music History 102. Ipl2, n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." UXL Biographies. Detroit: U*X*L, 2003. Student Resources in


Context. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

Page created on 4/14/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/9/2024 4:24:31 PM

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Related Links

NNDB - Bio on Mozart
ipl2 - Bio on Mozart
The Mozart Project - The life, times, and music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.