
William Rodriguez

by Hannah from Riley

Life is a beautiful thing, treasure it. <3
The WTC before September 11th, 2001. (
The WTC before September 11th, 2001. (

Not many people can say that they have walked straight up into a burning building, but William Rodriguez can. He's a brave man who risked his life for others. He put his selfishness aside and made America proud. He did what many people would not, and trudged into the smoke and flames. He's a September 11th survivor. William Rodriguez is a hero because he helped firefighters, saved lives, and helped others recover from their experience.

Being the only one in the building with a master key, William Rodriguez bravely led firefighters through the many doors of the WTC. William Rodriguez was a custodian in tower number 1 of the WTC. He was in the basement when he heard the first plane hit. He went up to the main floor, found firefighters, and found they were in need of help. He didn't have to help, but he did. Risking his life he led firefighters throughout the building as they tried to help those who were injured. Not knowing what he might see, what the future consequences might be, or if he would make it out of the building with his life, he took a chance for America that might have made all the difference.

Heros of 9-11. (
Heros of 9-11. (

After William escaped, he remembered his friends who were still in the building; he went back into the building to save them. He courageously climbed 106 flights of stairs, and rescued 15 people in the process. Climbing all the way back down the stairs he made it out of the building. Barely. William Rodriguez is believed to be the last person out of tower number 1 alive. The building collapsed soon after he escaped and dove under a fire truck, a move that may have saved his life. Some people call him crazy for going back into that burning building, but others call him heroic.

The destruction of the WTC cost William Rodriguez his job. Although, that didn't mean he stopped helping the cause. After checking out of the hospital, he went straight back to Ground Zero to look for survivors. He continued to help the cause even after becoming homeless due to unemployment. After the cleaning up of Ground Zero he traveled around sharing his story and giving motivational speeches that inspired many. He never gave up, and topped it all off my raising $122,000,000 for those affected by the tragic day of 9-11. William Rodriguez is an inspiring man who never gave up his drive to help others.

William Rodriguez (
William Rodriguez (

William Rodriguez is a hero, he risked his life for others, furthered 15 people to safety, and never stopped helping even after losing his job. I can't begin to imagine the fear that must have come over him, or the things he might have seen. Things might have been different had he not decided to help. Not many people would ever do the things he did. It's times like these when you begin to recognize the little people. Hes amazing, courageous, and a hero.

Page created on 1/21/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/21/2012 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Extra Info

Dear Mr. Rodriguez,

I heard about your story and it was very encouraging. It's amazing to know we have such amazing and brave people living in this country. To know that someone was brave enough to risk their lives to try and save others in such a tragedy makes me proud of the selflessness of our country. Knowing you were the only one who could help the firefighters, you bravely stepped up to the plate and did what not many people would ever do, you walked straight up the burning building. You escaped, but remembered your friends stuck in the building and trudged back up the 106 flights of stairs and saved not only your friends but 15 people on the way up. Because of that you are believed to be the last man out of the building alive before it collapsed. You were homeless for a time, but that didn't stop your drive to help the cause. You've been working with organizations ever since for those people who are still recovering from the trauma. You're a true American hero, and on behalf of America, I thank you.