
Peter Wentz

by Beth from Pennsylvania

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz is an amazing man. He has many talents. He is an amazing bass player. He is a lyrical genius. He is just so awesome. I refer to him as Superman because superman is the hottest & strongest & best hero (not a real one though) out of any other. Who cares about Batman? He is just a guy in a suit. That's why Pete is Superman.

Pete was born on June 5th, 1979. He is now 26 years old. He plays the role of a vampire in the video "A little less 16 candles, a little More "touch me." He is an awesome man.

Pete also has many accomplishments. He wrote two books and is now writing another. One book is called "The Boy With the Thorn in his Side," which is about his childhood nightmares. Another is called "Rainy Day Kids." Another accomplishment of his is that he is in a very famous band called "Fall Out Boy." They are very successful. Also he has a company called "Clandestine Industries." Another company is "Decaydance Records." As you can see, he is awesome.

Pete has also had bad things happen to him. On the same day as my birthday, Pete jumped into a crowd of people in concert & no one caught him!!! How dare they not catch the masterpiece!!! Pete is the most magnificent creation ever. He is when beauty meets disaster & that's hott.

As you can see, I am a diehard fan of Fall Out Boy and, more importantly, Pete Wentz!!! He is the hottest man in this universe. I love him now and forever. We should all love Petey, so spread the love.

Page created on 4/13/2006 9:40:04 PM

Last edited 4/13/2006 9:40:04 PM

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Related Links

Peter Wentz - Wikipedia