
Reggie White

by Jimmy from Springfield, Pennsylvania

Reggie white (Google)
Reggie white (Google)

Reggie White is a hero to me and many others. He grew up in Chattanooga Tennessee for most of his childhood, he then went to Tennessee University. He had many achievements off and on the field. He was a very good role-model and a positive influence for many young kids. Although his life was cut short at the age of 43 he was still a huge impact on many people’s lives. As his former teammate Tunch Ilkin said, “His impersonations were hysterical” showing he was a funny guy who had a good sense of humor.

Reggie White died in Huntersville North Carolina due to a heart attack. He lived from 1961-2004. As a Defensive End for the Philadelphia Eagles and The Green Bay Packers, White had 198 career sacks. He was a two time defensive player of the year and was named to 13 straight Pro Bowls in the NFL. This is still a record today for most consecutive Pro Bowl appearances. He was known as the “Minister of Defense” because he was an ordained minister. He is most likely to be remembered as one of the best defensive players in NFL history.

He was also an All-American senior at Tennessee University. Gene Upshaw, Current executive director of the NFL Players Association and former player, said, “His character, his integrity was everything any NFL player should aspire to be.” His jersey was retired for the Eagles and the Packers. White worked very hard with inner-city kids during the off-season. He was recently named into the NFL Hall of Fame in 2006. He was not able to speak of the award because he had already passed away. He was ranked 22nd in the Sporting News List of the 100 greatest football players, making him the highest-ranked Eagle on the list.

Reggie White is a hero to others near and far, because he spread the word of the Lord to many people all around the U.S. He touched so many people’s lives while being a great football player and a minister. In some cases he could even be a hero on the spot. He was faced with many decisions like whether to go into the NFL Draft, When to Retire, and what to do after his church was burned to the ground as a threat. He needed to make quick decisions on these events. Reggie White was a great person and a great player, I am sure he would have done so many more great things if his life had lasted longer.

As a young boy he told his grandmother that he would be a minister and a pro football player. This was before he even started playing football. He believed this because he heard the Lord tell him. He was a man of many beliefs and very religious, he knew the Lord would lead him to success. When he retired he returned to the league days later because he said the Lord had told him to finish up his contract. He has spread the word of the Lord to many others so they can be as happy as he was. As his wife said at his at Hall Of Fame acceptance speech “The first thing Reggie would say is that he would thank God.” I believe this is true. The way he lived his life and the faith he had could inspire anyone, which is why he is my hero.

Page created on 4/28/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/28/2008 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Wikipedia - Reggie White information
ESPN Classic - Reggie Whites career