
Wright Brothers

by Corey from Suwanee

The Wright brothers standing in front of their hou ( ())
The Wright brothers standing in front of their hou ( ())

"If birds can glide for long periods of time . why can't I?" This was a quote from Orville Wright, the younger Wright brother. The Wright Brothers were great aviators who flew the first successful flight with an engine. The Wright Brothers are heroes because they inspired many pilots and aviators by having the most famous flight.

One of the brothers trying to keep from crashing ( ())
One of the brothers trying to keep from crashing ( ())

One day their father came home with a toy plane and at first sight they loved it. This plane sparked their fascination of flying. They fiddled with it for hours , without the toy plane they might not have been amazing aviators .

Orville wright piloting their famous flight ( ())
Orville wright piloting their famous flight ( ())

The Wright brothers are heroes to many because they had perseverance and fortitude. Back in the early 1900's people were having to travel weeks to see their family members by ship across water and about 2 months by car and train across the U.S.A. Therefore, Wright brothers wanted to try and create the airplane. According to the website the brothers had their first successful flight using an engine after failing many times on December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (History 2015). This evidence proves that the brothers had their heroic flight even after failing flights many times they persevered and and kept making improvements until it was successful and without the flight we might not have the same advanced planes today. Additionally to having perseverance, they had fortitude. The website states, "Orville Wright made the world's first flight of over one hour at Fort Myer, Virginia, in a demonstration for the U.S. army, which subsequently made the Wright planes the world's first military airplanes" (Biography 2015). This quote shows that the were intrepid when risking their aviation careers by demonstrating their flying in front of the army and their demonstration made their plane the plane the U.S army would use. The Wright Brothers were heroes to may because the persevered and had fortitude through failure.

The Wright brothers preparing to take off ( ())
The Wright brothers preparing to take off ( ())

The Wright brothers made such an impact on the U.S and the world that Neil Armstrong carried part of the wright flyer on the moon. Also North Carolina and Ohio both take credit for the Wright brother, Ohio does because that's where they grew up and did much of their designing and North Carolina does because that's where the first flight took place. They had many long term effects on aviation all around the world.

The Wright Brothers are heroes because many pilots and aviators were inspired by the Wright brothers for having their famous flight. The Wright brothers were famous for having a famous flight and being influential aviators.

Works Cited Staff. "" A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 24 Sept. 2015. .

"The Wright Brothers." A&E Networks Television, 2015. Web. 24 Sept. 2015. .

"The Wright Brothers." The Wright Brothers. GreenLight LLC, 2012. Web. 24 Sept 2015. <>.

Freedman, Russell. 100 People Who Changed America. New York: Scholastic, 2004. Print.

Page created on 10/21/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/21/2015 12:00:00 AM

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