

by Saron from Laredo

My Hero

My hero is a person who’s been there from the start. Not spider man not batman or wonder woman but my mom. To start off, my mom is my hero because she has been there for me at the hospital, at graduation and everything special in my life. She supports me to reach my goals. My mom is hard working and her heart is full of love.

My mom is my hero because she does the right things and helps me learn from my mistakes. She keeps my family going and she’s there for us all. She knows when there is something wrong and she helps me figure things out. But most of all she is my hero because of her compassion for my life and she gives me courage. I can lean on her and she will be there like a cotton pillow.

But 1 main thing is my mom is not only my hero but a hero to others. As you can see my mom works in a nursing home and helping old people is her job. She talks to them and makes them feel at home. When she leaves the room her patients have a smile on their faces because of her compassion. To me my mom is someone I can look up to in life.

To end my story, I will talk about a day that I will never forget. It was 7:00 pm, Christmas Eve and we were about to start our play. I was so nervous, my feet were shaking back stage. I heard a noise coming from the back door. When I opened the door, it was my mom. She said "Honey, are you okay?" I couldn’t even answer, but she said what she always said to me, "Be strong and never give up!!" I looked at her, smiled bravely and she gave me a hug and I was off to my play. Thanks to my mom that day I was full of courage.

So my mom might not be an everyday superhero, but to me she is my superhero who’s been with me from the start. She impacted not only my life but the life of others. And that’s why she is my hero.

Page created on 7/21/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/21/2010 12:00:00 AM

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