You Are a Child of the Universe
by Janina Lamb
As inspiring as it is to think about the big picture - truth, beauty and love, etc. it is only when we accept ourselves as parts of the whole that we can make a real difference. I used these words from the beautiful poem Desiderata (by Max Erhman) - to encourage the kind of cosmic self-acceptance which inspires in us the ability to respond . . . to take responsibility.
This image was hand-lettered and drawn in ink as was much of my early work. I still draw by hand and now I also use the computer with ease and abandon to create images. I see hand work and computer work as a seamless spectrum of graphic possibility. Nowadays anything for print has to end up on the computer, no matter how it begins.
- Janina Lamb -copyright 1990 Janina Lamb - all rights reserved - Lamb & Lion Studio
Page created on 2/21/2014 1:41:03 PM
Last edited 2/21/2014 1:41:03 PM