Zhou Enlai

by Rylan from Newmarket

Zhou Enlai is a hero in my heart forever because of his hardworking, selfless and responsible personality.
Zhou Enlai (
Zhou Enlai (

Everyone holds different opinions on the definition of a hero, therefore there are many heroes in the world. In my point of view, a hero should be someone who can help people get together; a hero should be someone who is brave enough when he or she facing the challenge; a hero should be someone who always thinks about others but never think about himself or herself. Zhou Enlai, the first premier of China, China proletarian revolutionary and statesman, strategist, diplomats, the communist party of China and the main leaders of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese people's liberation army major founder and leader. He is a hero in my heart forever because of his hardworking, selfless and responsible personality.

Zhou Enlai helped Communist Party's rise to power in early communist party, and subsequently contribute his strength in the development of the Chinese economy after he became the premier of China. Furthermore, he used his wisdom to assist new China made in international status as he was the foreign minister of China. According to Zhou’s effort, Deng Xiaoping, who came up with “reform and opening up” which made China have a great economic growth, became the highest leader in China after Mao Zedong. Even though he is not alive, he still lives in the heart of Chinese people.


As a leader of China, he spent all his life on constructing People Republic of China and keeping unit of this newly born country. In 1939, Zhou Enlai broke his arm while riding the horse. He had to go to the Soviet Union because medical treatment level was low in China at that time. However, Zhou was so busy that he didn’t even have time to do an operation, so he just had some massage treatment in the Soviet Union. For the reason that he didn’t get high-quality treatment right away, this accident caused Zhou with disabilities on his arm for the rest of his life. Another strong example is even though he was diagnosed with cancer in 1972, he insisted working in hospital since only he could control the situation at the Great Cultural Revolution. All of his doctors said he needed to do an operation as soon as possible, but he refused them. In the Great Cultural Revolution, many famous artists, scientists and officers who had contributions were persecuted because Jiang Qing, Chairman Mao’s wife, and other three people wanted to take the place of the Paramount leader in China. In order to save China’s future, Premier Zhou had to protect these famous people and fight with cancer at the same time. He, an old man with cancer, often worked more than 40 hours duration, even people with strong bodies cannot afford that long time work. He could not even go to sleep without using oxygen inhalator after a day’s heavy work. He contributed his health to help Chinese build People Republic of China and never complained about his heavy work even when he got cancer. This hardworking spirit let me consider he is a real hero.

He was attend a meeting in Geneva. (
He was attend a meeting in Geneva. (

He never took himself into account even though he was one of the people who had the greatest power in China. In Chinese tradition, when a man succeeds, he would like to go back to his hometown to show others his achievement. Nevertheless, Premier Zhou and his family never went back to his hometown since he became the premier. He explained to his family that because he was the premier, it would bother people in his hometown if he and his family went back to their hometown and he didn’t want officers in his hometown to worry about his safety. Besides, he was supposed to have great chances to become the Chairman of China, but he always recommended Mao as the highest leader of Communist Party of China even at that time Mao was just an unknown person because he believed Mao would save China’s future. There were so many people arguing for power in history, whereas Zhou not only never argued for his power, but also gave up his power to others only on account of it was better for his country’s future. Except power, people often lost themselves for money. Conversely, Premier Zhou never tried to use his power to get any profit for himself or his family. For instance, he even paid for his own tea during work time and fared to go to hospital; he didn’t have any account balance when he died; he paid two times the price for a box of oranges which was given by his subordinate and he gave most of the private gifts from foreign country’s leaders to government. He was scrupulous in separating public from private interests completely. He did these perfectly without any self interest that make me admit that he is a hero.

Zhou Enlai and Nixon (
Zhou Enlai and Nixon (

Zhou was a man full of responsibility in every role of an officer, a friend and a husband. Most of people can’t be perfect in every role of their life: some of them are so busy working that they seldom consider other people’s feelings; some of them have lovers in the back of their wives or husbands when they got money. Nonetheless, Premier Zhou could do every role faultlessly. As a premier, no doubt, he is the most fantastic premier in China’s history. He helped China have diplomatic relations with many capitalistic states. When he died, 130 countries sent condolences to China; but there formerly were only 103 countries that had diplomatic relations with China. As a friend, he adopted many children of his friends when their parents died for revolution in China. In Chinese tradition, having kids is one of the most important things in people’s lives. After that background, though he didn’t have a child with Deng Yingchao, Zhou’s wife, he never thought about marrying another wife or getting a lover. Zhou Enlai has shown responsibility throughout his life in every way he could that has convinced me that he is a real hero.

Zhou Enlai was contemplating. (
Zhou Enlai was contemplating. (

Based on the above reasons and factors, it cannot be denied that Zhou Enlai is a hero. If a man who used his whole life working for others, didn’t care about his self interests at all and performed his duties completely doesn’t have qualification to be a hero, I cannot image who would be a hero. He was a gentle man, humorous, knowledgeable and had wisdom. Countless Chinese wailed without ceasing after hearing of his death; even his enemies admired him as a hero. All of these honors belong to Zhou Enlai, a real hero in my heart everlastingly.

Page created on 4/13/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/13/2011 12:00:00 AM

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