The MY HERO Project | Library

After Shock: September 11, 2001: Global Feminist Perspectives

By Susan Hawthorne (Editor), Bronwyn Winter (Editor)

Publisher: Raincoast Books; 2nd Edition (September 2003)
ISBN: 1551926571
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
In the tidal wave of commentary following 9/11, feminist perspectives were notably missing. This book addresses that gap. Editors Susan Hawthorne and Bronwyn Winter bring together a wide range of views that uncover the connections between war, terrorism, fundamentalism, racism, global capitalism, and male violence. Including immediate reactions and more recent reflections, this collection contains essays, speeches, letters to the U.N. and to George Bush, emails, and poetry, addressing 9/11 with much-needed clarity and passion. Contributors include Barbara Kingsolver, Arundhati Roy, Barbara Ehrenreich, Eve Ensler, Ani di Franco, and the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan.
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