
Amy Biehl - Her Legacy

by Larissa Diaz from San Diego, California in United States

123496Amy, stoned, and killed. She died at the hands of those she hoped to help. Amy Biehl was a college student going to South Africa to study more about the systems of society. Instead, she turned to dedicating herself to end apartheid wishing South Africa a better society. Amy Biehl studied about systems of society when she saw South Africa’s society and wanted to change it. She is known to have a rather compassionate heart regarding society. This woman’s life was taken from her when she dedicated it all to ending apartheid. On her last day at South Africa, a mob gathered, soon stabbing and stoning her to death. According to others familiar with her, she would have understood that the mob who killed her, killed her out of their hatred for the apartheid system. Amy Biehl’s death was not in vain. She was an ordinary woman studying about systems of society in South Africa when she turned to dedicating herself to end apartheid. She is a truly influential, modern hero because of her understanding, dedication, and recognition.

123572Amy Biehl and Friends Biehl was an influential person because of her understanding. Amy Biehl would have forgiven those who killed her because she understood the society of South Africa. One would have been more compassionate and urging forgiveness of a violent black South African mob more than the young American white woman whom it stabbed to death” (Newsweek). Being the understanding modern day hero, she would have forgiven the people who had caused her very own death,. Amy Biehl knows that it wasn't at the fault of the mob, but the apartheid system sapping the emotions out of them. The apartheid system consisted of a society full of discrimination and racism. Since Amy Biehl was a white American, she was killed out of hate brought out by the hateful society. Amy Biehl’s understanding is also portrayed by her awareness. Her South African roommate had known that those kids had humanity brutalized from them. ¨Melanie Jacobs, Biehl´s South African roommate, explained in Newsweek that had Biehl survived the attack, she ´would have been there to explain to those kids that their hate was built up by the apartheid system¨ (Newsweek). Amy Biehl´s effect on people have them realize she wouldn't have put a blame on anyone. She was aware of going to a broken society, therefore, understanding that the mob would not truly hurt anyone if they were not raised under such a society. Others aware of Amy´s personality would agree that although she is dead, her understanding self would come to realize that apartheid had “killed” their souls.

123519Amy Biehl and South African Childwww.prx.orgAmy Biehl is a true modern hero not only because of her understanding, but her dedication to create a better society. Ms. Biehl became devoted to ending apartheid in 1992 to better South Africa’s society during her time of getting a Fulbright Scholarship . ¨Amy dedicated herself to ending apartheid in South Africa. When she won a Fulbright scholarship in 1992…¨ (Cole). As Amy Biehl studied in South Africa she turned to helping end apartheid. By doing this, she also learned more about the culture and politics to drive them towards a better society. Amy Biehl’s understanding and dedication have led others to recognize her efforts to bring about equality. Primarily being in South Africa to study, she began to focus on the society of the very place she was in. This soon turned to her whole life dedicated to removing all discrimination and hatred for foreign races in Cape Town, South Africa’s society. Amy Biehl was so immersed in her beliefs to guide South Africa to a better society that she probably also had to face a few hardships since discrimination towards white people existed. “She was a victim of racial violence. Amy was white. The convicted killers were four black youths” (Cole). Her dedication is proven through the fact that others had to be willing enough to open their hearts to accept a white foreigner. Biehl surely had to have troubles getting along with the people in Cape Town. But as usual, the hatred overwhelmed these youths to stabbing and stoning her because the color of their skin separated who they were morally and physically.

123575Amy Biehl Foundation Logo Amy Biehl´s hard work, she has become one of modern day´s heroes. Amy Biehl was a compassionate woman who dedicated her life as a student to end apartheid in South Africa. She wanted to end the unjust society of South Africa. However, her life ended because of the racism towards white people in the country. Overall, Amy Biehl's life ended with her still fighting for the stop to apartheid. Her death has not let others give up for she was a person doing great deeds with dedication. Shortly after the death of Amy Biehl, her parents wanted to carry on their daughter´s work by establishing the nonprofit agency, the Amy Biehl Foundation. Her death has also inspired the author, Sindiwe Magona to write a book, Mother to Mother, indirectly to Biehl's parents to inform people from America and other places about South Africa's culture and society. Amy Biehl´s death won´t stop others from carrying on her legacy.

Works Cited

"Amy Biehl." Newsmakers, Gale, 1994. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.

Cole, Stephanie. “Amy Biehl.” The MY HERO Project,


Page created on 4/18/2018 7:23:02 PM

Last edited 4/18/2018 8:13:10 PM

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Related Links

The Amy Biehl Foundation - Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Biehl
Amy Biehl Documentary - Educational Documentary
Interview of Justin Van der Leun - Book About Amy Biehl and South Africa
Amy Biehl Highschool - Highschool Named After Amy Biehl
Amy Biehl Memorial Site - Tourist Location