Young Heroes

Anne Frank

by Makenna Griffeth from San Diego, California in United States

Hitler and his evil empire, the Nazis, forced the Jews to do unreasonable things and restricted them from the most important parts of their life including their jobs and education. Many Jews were affected from this period and had to have enough courage and bravery to get through it. Not only did a certain person have these traits, but she also had the courage to write about her whole journey in her diary. Anne Frank was a young girl whose life changed dramatically over a few years. She represents all the victims of this tragic event, the Holocaust. (Perricone). She was extremely courageous for writing a diary of everything that happened to her and her family. She was only 13 years old when the Franks moved from Germany to Amsterdam to find a safer place to live. (“The Short Life of Anne Frank.”). About two years after hiding they were forced to go to a Jewish concentration camp which was torture for all the Jews. They didn't feed them enough and there was a horrible disease going around that Anne’s sister, Margot and Anne caught which made them too weak to function. Not long after that, they died. (Perricone). The Franks had the courage to live through it, only if they weren't forced to death they could’ve made it out alive. A hero must possess courage to get through tough times. They should represent lives taken from a tragic time, and be brave enough to be willing to get through anything. Anne Frank is a hero because she had the courage to write her diary, she represents the lives taken from the Holocaust, and she was incredibly brave for wanting to live through it all.

130444Anne Frank writing her diary Frank had a lot of courage that was able to push her through the whole period up to the end. Her courage came into play when she wrote a long diary describing everything that happened from start to finish:  “Although Frank wrote a few short stories and started on a novel during her period in hiding, her most important literary achievement was a diary of the events taking place in Prinsengracht” ("Anne Frank."). Anne Frank is known from the diary she wrote the whole time she was hiding. She had the courage to write her whole experience up until she was departed to a Jewish concentration camp where she caught a disease and shortly died. Anne Frank’s diary is published for many to see all over the world and most of it is when she was hiding away from the Nazis and how she has changed throughout this journey: “In July of 1942, about a month after Frank received her diary, she and her family, along with four other Jews, went into hiding from the Nazis. Living in the cramped attic space above her father's business office in Amsterdam, Frank's coming of age is recorded in the pages of her diary” ("Anne(lies) (Marie) Frank."). Anne Frank started writing her diary before they had to move to the hiding spot. This means that she recorded everything including when she moved and when she was staying in the hiding spot. Anne had the courage to write a whole diary with a lot of information in it and one of her dreams was to become an author and publish her diary. The Franks stayed in a secret hiding place for over two years. They had to keep quiet and they were very anxious: “In the spring of 1942, Anne’s father had started furnishing a hiding place in the annex of his business premises at Prinsengracht 263. He received help from his former colleagues. Before long, they were joined by four more people. The hiding place was cramped. Anne had to keep quiet and was often afraid” (“The Short Life of Anne Frank.”). The Franks and a few others hid away in a secret annex that Anne’s father, Otto, had built. Even though Anne was extremely scared that the Nazis would find them, she still had the courage and wanted to live to the end. She wanted to make it out of the long lasting chapter and pursue her dreams of publishing her diary. Anne Frank is definitely a hero for all the courage she had. She even had more courage after her death that she wasn’t ready for. Even though Anne was courageous, she still had many more traits that also classify her as a magnificent hero.

Anne Frank was one of the only people out of six million Jews that stood out from this event; she represents all these affected Jews. Anne Frank represents all Jews affected at this time in her diary: “Anne Frank (1929-1945) achieved worldwide fame after her death from typhus in March of 1945 in the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen through the publication of her diary, in which she described the lives of eight Jews in hiding in the city of Amsterdam between June of 1942 and August of 1944” ("Anne Frank."). After Anne Frank’s hiding and death from the Nazi concentration camp, she has represented all the people trying to get through the disaster just like herself. Her diary explains the life of all the affected people that have passed away from this horrible time, including Anne and her family. Anne Frank’s diary is a platform that anyone in the world can read and learn the life of not only Anne but also all the other affected Jews: “Through her diary, Anne Frank's life has become a metaphor, a symbol for the six million Jews who were murdered in concentration camps during World War II, as well as for all people persecuted or discriminated against for their beliefs, their race, or any other reason given at that time or since” ("Anne(lies) (Marie) Frank."). Young Anne Frank represents all the people that have passed away from this traumatizing time. Not only did she have the courage to write a long diary explaining everything that happened, up until she was deported to the camp, but she was also able to explain the horrible things some people had to go through at this time and represent them and their struggle. There is now a building representing Anne and all the people affected from the Holocaust that anyone can visit and learn: “As of 2014, the Anne Frank House because the third most-visited museum in Holland with more than 1.2 million passing through its door, primarily schoolchildren and foreign tourist” (Perricone). Anne Frank is representing all the tortured people that were part of this period. People from all around the work come to the Anne Frank House to learn about Anne’s courage and bravery. Anne Frank inspires especially young people because of her young age in common. Anne Frank was representative of the affected people and she had a lot of courage, but not only that, she was also extremely brave.

Anne Frank was brave for wanting to live and stand up for herself and the other Jews which is an important criteria for being a hero. Anne achieved fame from her bravery and the diary she wrote. In her diary, you can imagine the bravery she had just by reading it: “Anne Frank (1929-1945) achieved worldwide fame after her death from typhus in March of 1945 in the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen through the publication of her diary, in which she described the lives of eight Jews in hiding in the city of Amsterdam between June of 1942 and August of 1944” ("Anne Frank."). Anne Frank was brave because she survived through almost the whole war. She lived though it until she caught a disease, typhus. Even when she caught this disease she tried to power through and live through it. The Franks were worried and anxious about being stuffed in a small hiding place and keeping quiet, but they had to stay brave:  “‘We're as still as baby mice,’ Frank wrote on October 1, 1942. ‘Who would have guessed three months ago that quicksilver Anne would have to sit so quietly for hours on end, and what's more, that she could?’ The diary was Frank's salvation, her quiet time activity, and along with the diary she also wrote part of a novel, short stories, and fables.” ("Anne(lies) (Marie) Frank."). Anne shows her suffering and all the things she is going through when she writes that they have to stay still and not make too much noise. She made it through all of this suffering for over 2 years because of her bravery. She was the youngest person in the secret annex, which made it the hardest for her to stay calm. Anne Frank was at a young age when the Frank’s lifes started to go downhill. Anne was willing to do anything for herself and her family to stay safe: “On 1 September 1939, when Anne was 10 years old, Nazi Germany invaded Poland, and so the Second World War began. Not long after, on 10 May 1940, the Nazis also invaded the Netherlands. Five days later, the Dutch army surrendered. Slowly but surely, the Nazis introduced more and more laws and regulations that made the lives of Jews more difficult” (“The Short Life of Anne Frank.”). Anne was only 10 years old when Hitler starting making the horrible rules for the Jews. Her life was difficult for almost all her life, but she still wanted to get through the suffering and live on in peace with her family. For someone to be considered a hero they must show courage, represent, and show bravery. Not only did Anne Frank show all three of the criteria, she also shows more that anyone could write on and on about.

A hero is someone who shows courage when no one else does, who represents millions of people when they weren’t tending to, and also shows bravery through the hardest times of life. Anne Frank is one of the few people in the world that display all three points, and even more. Anne Frank was one of the 17 million people affected from the Holocaust. Out of these many people, she was one of the only voices to stand out because her diary she wrote herself inspired many. (Perricone). Young people her age are inspired by her because they now know they have the power get through anything just like she did. Even though Anne didn’t make it at the end, she still believed in herself and didn’t give up. ("Anne(lies) (Marie) Frank."). It wasn’t her fault that she caught a disease and starved to death. Because of Anne Frank people far and wide can read her diary and be inspired by her courage, her representative personality, and her bravery.

Page created on 1/30/2019 5:03:10 AM

Last edited 6/12/2020 11:09:59 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The Short Life of Anne Frank - This article gives a great description on Anne Franks entire life with a lot of detail.
History - Anne Frank - This website gives good detail of her childhood before they went into hiding. It also provides a short video.

Extra Info

                                                                                                 Works Cited

"Anne Frank." Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale, 1998. Biography In Context,

 Accessed 14 Jan. 2019.

"Anne(lies) (Marie) Frank." People of the Holocaust, Gale, 1998. Biography In Context,

Frank, Anne. Anne Frank: the Diary of a Young Girl. Translated by B. M. Moonyaart-doubleday, Bantam Books, 1995.

Perricone, Kathleen. Anne Frank: a Light in History's Darkest Hour. Centennial Media LLC, 2018.

“The Short Life of Anne Frank.” Anne Frank Website, 11 Jan. 2019,\