"I want to go on living even after my death!"
Imagine, a little girl trapped inside an attic for 25 months, not even able to be a “kid,” her lips, practically sewn together. Anne Frank, a young journalist who hid from the Nazis during WWII, pushed herself so hard to stay alive, even when she got captured by the Germans in 1944 (History.com Editors). Anne was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Six years earlier, her father Otto needed to move the family to Amsterdam in order to avoid the Nazis (“Anne Frank”). Anne attend a Jewish school there, but little did the Franks know, Amsterdam wasn't safe. Anne kept a diary and wrote almost every day during hiding, and now her incredible work is shared among the world. Anne’s courage was shown as she continued writing in her diary even when she knew no one was safe. Similarly, Anne is also known as being selfless and putting others first. Anne Frank, the girl whose diary from the Holocaust is spread around the world, represents a true hero for teaching generations to be courageous and selfless.
Anne Studying Unknown photographer; Collectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam [Public domain]Anne Frank to this day is a hero for teaching kids to have courage, even in the hardest times. Anne knew the day when she wouldn't get to live her free life was running towards her. "July 5. A few days ago Father began to talk about going into hiding. He sounded so serious that I felt scared. 'Don't you worry,' he said. 'Just enjoy your carefree life while you can.' Oh may these somber words not come true for as long as possible!” (Anne Frank 125). Anne also elaborates: ''We just had a third air raid. I decided to grit my teeth and practice being courageous'' (Anne Frank 125). Anne knew just before she and her family starting hiding that she had to make the best of what “Free Childhood” she had left. In her diary, Anne sarcastically joked that she had to practice being courageous because her time hiding was going to be frightening and miserable for such a young girl. Today her diary influences people to have courage, even in the worst times. Any person trying to survive during the Holocaust would need to obtain enough courage to never give up. Everyone hiding had to accept the fact that they were in danger: “Life for the eight people in the small apartment, which Anne Frank referred to as the Secret Annex, was tense. The group lived in constant fear of being discovered and could never go outside. They had to remain quiet during daytime in order to avoid detection by the people working in the warehouse below” (History.com Editors). Even though Anne was terrified they were going to get found by the Nazis, she still had the courage to write in her diary about all of her time spent in the Secret Annex. If Anne did not have the courage she had, there would be no dairy, and we would not be as greatly educated about the Holocaust as we are today. For twenty five months, eight people were locked up in an attic. Anne knew if she left the attic it will most likely result in her death. In her diary, she realized that even in the worst of times you must have courage, and be positive. Anne Frank is widely known for keeping courage, even the worst of times.
Anne Frank is heroic due to the fact that she was selfless, and always put others first, even if this meant risking her own life. During the Holocaust, everyone was doing anything they could to survive. Most people would be selfish and do anything that helped themselves, but Anne wasn't that kind of person: “On the contrary, she wanted to take it all on her own shoulders, she considered herself responsible for everything, not only her destiny - if she was permitted to live it out - but also the fate that everyone else suffered” (¨Literary Companion¨). Anne was selfless towards others and always put them first. She felt that it was her duty to help as much as possible and take care of everyone. If anyone left the attic, that person would not only sacrifice themselves, but everyone else hiding. All the people in the “Secret Annex” acted like a team, they all had to work together to keep each other safe, not just themselves. “A small group of Otto Frank’s employees, including his Austrian-born secretary, Miep Gies (1909-2010), risked their own lives to smuggle food, supplies and news of the outside world into the secret apartment, whose entrance was situated behind a movable bookcase” (History.com Editors). Not only did Anne risk her life for others, but for everyone else needed too. This was the only way they all had a chance to live. A true hero puts others first if this means risking themselves. Anne was one to put others before herself.
The Diary Anne Frank [Public domain]Today, Anne Frank is considered a hero to many for inspiring people to be selfless and have courage. “On 4th April, 1944, Anne wrote ‘I want to go on living even after my death!’” (“Literary Companion”). Now because of her diary, Anne’s story can live forever. Anne Frank was a young girl trapped during the Holocaust. Anne influences people in a way that no other has. Her mission in life was to become a writer, and because her diary got shared, she now teaches generations to always have courage, even if something might not end well. People have mastered selflessness because of how much she encouraged it, and even I have learned to put others first, due to her story. Not only has Anne taught people to have courage, but Anne Frank's story has also started the end of discrimination. The little girl, who was trapped from being a kid, is considered a major hero for being courageous and selfless.
Works Cited
"Anne Frank." Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale, 1998. Biography In Context,
History.com Editors. ”Anne Frank.” History, A&E Television Networks, August 2018.
Literary Companion. The Diary Of A Young Girl. The Greenhaven Press, David
Bender, 93-130.
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Last edited 4/11/2019 8:09:04 PM