“I believe my brother would be proud of me and, though he may not be by my side, he will be in my heart forever. I believe in Gold in September®,”– Annie Bartosz
Annie Bartoszhttps://idontwanttobeaprincess.com/amazing-girls/annie-bartosz/Annie Bartosz was only 11 years old when she had asked her mom why is it that everybody knows pink and October is associated with breast cancer yet no one knows that gold and September is associated with Cancer Awareness. When her mom didn't have an answer to her question, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She founded the Gold in September campaign to raise awareness for cancer. Annie's younger brother had his own battle with cancer which is why she was so determined to make the nation know that September is Cancer Awareness month. Sadly Annies brother had passed away in August 2012.
The campaign is known by two different names Gold in September and as well as G9. G for Gold and 9 is for September. The G9 has raised more than $1.2 million in 2016-2017 alone. They had created the Penny Wars which is how most people may know the campaign.
Annie meets Aaron Rodgers https://idontwanttobeaprincess.com/amazing-girls/annie-bartosz/
Page created on 12/11/2017 2:26:34 PM
Last edited 12/13/2017 9:33:04 PM