
Another Vision

by Cheikh Darou Seck from Dakar

Another Vision

Change came, the skies turned vivid blue
Light chased away the stranded shadows
That painted the frozen rooftops of hope
Of the yearning souls and brave people

The wind listeners heard the whispers
From the eager promises of young hearts
In the enchanted deceitful gatherings
Yes, promises of better tomorrows
And wider skies
And lighter airs
And bigger seas
Where the immortal intrepid sailors
Battled giant creatures of our times

The angels of mercy spread their wings
In myriad colors like crystal diamond
Sowing beautiful seeds of oak trees
Tilling, digging, replanting the globe

Freedom flags waved in the west winds
Conquering the last skeptical spaces
That were lost to the wandering ghosts
When Hope had departed from this Earth

She was there, this little pink fighter
A tiny figure clad in hope and truth
Among the giant villains of today
In the midst of the battleground

With a tong as sharp as a thorn
She bravely spoke to the leaders
Telling a truth that has torn the hearts
Denouncing, accusing, cleansing

Yeah there is still hope
Sufferings can stop
For rebuilding to start
So that laughter and joy
Inseparable as ever
Can return in the hearts
Of the brave people
Living in this Earth


Page created on 8/25/2022 7:39:48 AM

Last edited 8/25/2022 10:47:52 AM

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