"Every soul who comes to earth with a leg or two at birth must wrestle his opponents knowing its not what is, but what can be that measures worth. Make it hard, just make it possible and through pain, I wont complain. My spirit is unconquerable. Fearless I will face each foe for I know I am capable. I don't care what´s probable, through blood sweat and tears I am unstoppable." --Anthony Robles
A picture of Anthony Robles schoolhttps://www.google.com/search?q=arizona+state+university&rlz=1C1GCEV_enUS844US844&tbm=isch&source=lnt&tbs=sur:fc&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwij6L3JmMbhAhVUgp4KHWxuDS8QpwUIHw&biw=1920&bih=969&dpr=1&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=LhmjucQnoB7omM:Fierce as a bull. Tough as a lion. Anthony Robles, born with one leg, became an outstanding wrestler. Anthony discovered wrestling in high school and quickly found it the right sport for him. The sport helped him become a better person overall by working hard and proving to himself that he had the perseverance to compete. Anthony went on to wrestle in college, attending Arizona State University. His family was by his side and attended all his events. With their support, he went on to win a major wrestling championship. Anthony Robles is now living his life with a disability but gets strength to continue to move forward as he recalls all the matches and competitions. He knows he is strong but has to work hard. Anthony Robles was always considered a hero because of the inspiration he had on many people because he has struggled with obstacles and physical constraints. He has given hope to many you can be great and has found a way to be one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.
Anthony Robles is a hero because of his perseverance towards wrestling. Even with everyone else's difficulties, it’s still the hardest for him to succeed. When someone fails once they will want to give up, but not Anthony. He failed and he did not give up he kept trying and became one of the best. “At 14, Robles tried out for his school’s wrestling team and became the smallest kid on the lineup, finishing his first year in last place at the Mesa City wrestling tournament. But against all odds, Robles believed he could one day be a champion wrestler and proved to be an unstoppable force. With the support of his mother and coaches, he went from being last in the city to finishing his junior and senior years at Mesa High School as a two-time Arizona State Champion and a high school National Champion with a 96-0 record” (Murphy). This shows he has lots of perseverance because he is always trying and does not give up. Even when he is struggling due to his physical disability, he does not give up. He also played the sport with such sportsmanship even when he became admired by others on and off the mat. When Anthony succeeded the goal that everyone would want to succeed, he went further. He never gave up and would not stop until he was one of the best.“Anthony Robles didn't leave his single wrestling shoe on the mat last weekend at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia after his championship performance in the NCAA wrestling tournament. But the 22-year-old Arizona State senior is calling it a career” (“Education on a family affair”). It’s hard to not give up on something even when you get to the best you can be. He showed everyone that there is more to the sport then just winning. This opened up everyone's eyes way more to the type of person Robles actually was, which got him to be a hero.
A quote by Anthony Robleshttps://www.azquotes.com/author/50959-Anthony_Robleshttps://www.azquotes.com/author/50959-Anthony_RoblesLife with only one leg would be tough. It takes someone a lot to become great but becomes ten times harder when you have a disability. But Anthony Robles accomplished this. The only possible way for Anthony was because of how much hard work he put into wrestling. On top of that, he never knew who his father was because he was not around when he came into this world. This made what his goals he wanted to accomplish a lot harder. “My biological father was only a year or two older than she was and disappeared from her life as soon as he found out she was having a baby” (Michoces). This is hard for someone to want to wrestle or even want to do something when Anthony had to hear his dad left your mother just because he was going to have a child. All the hard work he puts into his life is going to mean a lot more to him because of what he has already had to go through. Being a wrestler while attending college is also challenging. Wrestling is a difficult sport to compete in and stay physically in good shape. It requires both physical and mental toughness. His studies were also not easy, but he put his mind to getting his degree. “Anthony Robles graduated in 2011 from ASU's College of Letters and Sciences with a business communications degree” (“Education on a family affair”). Now knowing how Anthony always shows he is hard working, it shows how he is a hero and how he lets his differences from other people not affect what happens in his life. There are still many reasons we know that Anthony Robles is a hero. Anthony has had a rough past and has shown of what kind of person he is. He has lots of ups and downs in his life but he has learned how to work with what he has, and gives it all to accomplish his dreams. He also celebrated his college graduation with his own mother’s dream. “Next week Robles' own path toward self-reliance will advance as he collects his bachelor's of science in communication on the same day as his mother will” (Murphy).
This story shows how people can be an inspiration to someone. I personally wrestle and know how hard the sport is to for someone without any physical disabilities. I can imagine how tough it is to battle out every match with one leg. The thought going through someone's head changes how you execute on the mat. But Anthony lived for these moments and loved when they would come up.“The morning of the NCAA finals, I remember weighing in. I remember being so scared the whole day. I couldn't eat anything, and I remember thinking I’ve trained my whole career for this opportunity tonight. I have one chance to wrestle for seven minutes, and I can either make or break my dream.” Anyone who plays any sport would understand how difficult it can be to compete at the collegiate level, even if they don't follow wrestling. There are lots of different reasons you become the best at your sport. Anthony makes this clear by his motivation and hard work. This shows through his being the 2011 NCAA state wrestling champion.
"EDUCATION A FAMILY AFFAIR FOR ROBLES CLAN." States News Service, 11 Dec. 2014.
Biography InContext, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A393372505/BIC?u=powa9245&sid=BIC&xid=3128ca0c. Accessed 21 Mar. 2019.
Mihoces, Gary. "Champ to teach motivation." USA Today, 22 Mar. 2011, p. 05C. Biography In Context,
https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A252147656/BIC?u=powa9245&sid=BIC&xid=4558eab5. Accessed 21 Mar. 2019.
Murphy, Austin. Unstoppable, From Underdog to Undefeated . Gotham Books, 2012.
Robles, Anthony, et al. “Former ASU Wrestler Anthony Robles Reflects on His Career.” NCAA.com, NCAA.com, 22 Jan. 2018, www.ncaa.com/news/wrestling/article/2018-01-22/anthony-robles-reflects-how-his-college-wrestling-career-arizona.
Page created on 4/10/2019 6:14:42 PM
Last edited 4/11/2019 8:39:45 PM