Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world” (Holt). Even though Archimedes uttered these words thousands of years ago, his courage and selflessness has shaped society and will continue to mold the world and future generations. However, every hero has their backstory. Born in a populous Greek city in Sicily, Archimedes was the son of an astronomer named Phidias and was related to King Hieron II. Later in his life, he adventures his way to Alexandria to study under mathematicians who were disciples of Euclid. With the knowledge he has gained, he traveled back to Syracuse and lived the remainder of his life there. Archimedes was not only famous for being smart, but was also famous for using his skill sets to invent and modify devices. He saved Syracuse from the Romans and helped the world from suffering in pain. A hero must be brave in times of chaos. A hero must be giving in times where everyone should be looking out for themselves. Archimedes has the trait of a hero because he is courageous in the most stressful times, and he puts others before himself. By innovating and discovering many devices, he was able to change the world around him and help the city of Syracuse from the Romans.
From defending the city of Syracuse to almost defeating the Romans, Archimedes has done many acts of courage. Archimedes was famously known for his discovery of new principles and invention of devices, but him fame also came from “work[ing] as a military engineer for Syracuse in its efforts against the Romans” ("Archimedes and the Simple Machines That Moved the World."). Even though Archimedes could have stayed out of the war between the Syracuse and the Romans, he was brave enough to participate in the war effort. He was able to help out in the most stressful times of something he has never experienced; this is a courageous act. Because of Archimedes knowledge, he was one day invited by the king of Syracuse: “Archimedes' fame came from his relationship with Hiero, the king of Syracuse. He spent most of his time trying to solve problems for the king” (Holt). By being reliable in help of the war, he had the courage to take risks because Syracuse believed and trusted him. Syracuse was technically in his hands, but he did not fear in failing them. Through all of the negative thoughts, he was able to make his talents shine which helped the city rise. He created many warfare objects such as the catapult and lenses that would burn ships from a distant location. Some people may not recognize that these small acts of courage have an impact. But they single handling transformed history and impacts future generations.
Although Archimedes was courageous, he was also selfless because he worked minutes to hours and days to years trying to help others by inventing and modifying devices. Archimedes sacrificed his time while others were celebrating an event in Syracuse. But the Romans took advantage of it and invaded, killing a large amount of people including Archmedes: “Archimedes was unaware of the taking of the city, as he was intent on working on a problem by drawing figures in the dust. As the soldier came to capture him, he stepped in the dust where Archimedes had been working. Archimedes said, ‘Don't disturb my circles’” (Holt). Archimedes used his own time and effort to not only help society with their weakness, but also to help his city. He did not leave his work behind to have fun during the city's celebration. He used every second he had to think of what he can do to make a change. The unselfishness of Archimedes is also shown through his actions of wanting to change old devices that would be easier to use and more reliable: “Though he contributed greatly to understanding of the lever, screw, and pulley, Archimedes did not invent any of these machines”("Archimedes and the Simple Machines That Moved the World."). As you can see, Archimedes wanted these tools to have multiple purposes. So, he used them to invent more devices which would help society to the fullest extent. These acts of selflessness may not stand out, but it is the reason why many were very successful on farming, sculpturing, building, and much more.
Archimedes Invention
Throughout Archimedes life, it is shown that he is courageous and selfless through his actions. He invented and worked his mind for hours, thinking about how to solve the problems society had. Archimedes was brave enough to be part of the war and have Syracuse be in his hands. But to accomplish these many feats, he had to work hard in every day of his life: “Archimedes earned the honorary title ‘father of experimental science’ because he not only discussed and explained many basic scientific principles, but he also tested them in a three-step process of trial and experimentation” (“Archimedes”). Archimedes had passion and grit throughout his life, which is why he earned many achievements and is known as one of the most successful person in history. As you can see, he is not only an inspiration to me, but an inspiration to many people who have big dreams. His purpose is to show that hard work pays off. Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world” (Holt).
Works Cited
"Archimedes and the Simple Machines That Moved the World." Science and Its Times, edited by Neil Schlager and Josh Lauer, vol. 1, Gale, 2001. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 7 Dec. 2018.
"Archimedes." World of Scientific Discovery, Gale, a Cengage Company, 2006. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 10 Dec. 2018.”
Holt, Lloyd. "Archimedes 287-212 B.C.E."
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Last edited 1/15/2019 5:58:40 AM