
Arturo Islas Allende.

by Fabiola Badillo Salinas from Queretaro,Qro in Mexico

Arturo Islas Allende was born on September 30, 1986. He has a partner whose name is Paloma Quezada and their relationship started in 2007. Arturo and Paloma have 3 small children whom they love very much. Arturo Islas has had many careers including being an environmentalist, actor, producer and broadcaster.

147680Here we can appreciate Arturo and his family. 

What have you achieved so far Arturo Islas?

Arturo has achieved bringing about the cancellation of a construction that was intended to end the Tajamar mangrove swamp in Cancun, the closure of oil wells in Tabasco in defense of marine species and, thanks to a documentary with more than 20 million views, to obtain the signature of all children from low-income communities in the upper Gulf of California to carry a message of conservation and peace to put an end to their extinction.

147681Here I attach a photo in which we appreciate a little of the communities that he decided to support. 

What has Arturo Islas stood out the most?

Arturo Islas has stood out for its content to raise awareness in society about environmental problems, providing solutions to it. With an extraordinary impact on the audience. On the other hand, Arturo was invited to participate in the program "Hoy" and, after a year of collaboration in it, he began to spread social movements, in which he denounced the irregularities of authorities and individuals against nature. Today, Arturo is one of the most recognized influencers and with millions of views, thanks to what he has achieved he has made a documentary with more than 20 million views, and obtained the signature of all the children of communities with scarce resources in the upper Gulf of California to carry a message of conservation and peace to put an end to its extinction.


What would be the message that Arturo wants to reach the people?

The message he wants to give to the world is that there are more good people than bad, and that if we all did our part and did our bit, we could live in a better world free of animal abuse, and that because that they are animals, we should not underestimate ourselves, on the contrary, thanks to many of them, human beings continue to exist.

147682We can all be what we want to be as long as we help others and don't affect anyone. 

Thank you, I hope you like it.

Page created on 4/7/2022 7:45:23 PM

Last edited 4/15/2022 2:39:47 PM

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Related Links

Arturo Islas Allende - I enclose one of his most important social networks in case you want to go see everything he has achieved and what he does.