

by Meet Chauhan from Rajkot in India

Batman/Bruce Wayne: "It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."

127407Batman Wikipedia Art by Mikel JaninBatman is a fictional character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger.

He is known as the world's best best detective. He is one of the smartest characters in the DC universe.

127412Bruce Wayne (batman)Community.wbgames.comHis identity is hidden to people and normally he is known as Bruce Wayne, a businessman and owner of Wayne industries.

Batman is the protector of Gotham. One of his superpowers is inexhaustible wealth. He has worked and gained a lot of money for himself. He made gadgets for himself to defeat very strong enemies.

He has everything planned out. He has a way to stop each of the members of the Justice League, all the members have superpowers but he still has a way to stop them.

127417Wayne manor Wikipedia - Art by Fernando DagninoBatman lives in Gotham City in the Wayne Manor.

127418Batcave is under the Wayne manor Wikipedia - Art by Greg CapulloHe has a hidden Batcave where he stores all his gadgets.

Batman is a very inspirational hero as he teaches us that even though you don’t have powers you can still be stronger than everyone.

He teaches me to be prepared for every situation that I might have to face.

Page created on 7/11/2018 6:55:50 AM

Last edited 8/27/2018 7:30:53 PM

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