
Bill Belsey

by Jesse from Calgary

What the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, we CAN achieve!

My hero is Bill Belsey. The reason I chose Bill Belsey is because he is responsible, trusting and a good role model. Mr. Belsey has inspired me, taught me technology, and taught me not to take what I have for granted and to seize the day.

Mr.Belsey on The National (
Mr.Belsey on The National (

Mr. Belsey helps others in any way he can. He inspires me a lot. Mr. Belsey`s dad fought in World War 2 and lived. If it were not for his helmet, he would have died. Mr. Belsey was born in Ottawa, Ontario in 1956. He is very persuasive. For example, he got the author, Benn Gadd, to visit our class for the whole day, and he mentors our class online with our own writing. He has received many awards.

Bill in front of inukshuk (
Bill in front of inukshuk (

Everyday at school we sit in the corner and talk about what is happening in the world. He worked with the Family Channel to create an anti-bullying project and the world's first Bullying Awareness Week. He puts everybody before himself. He lived in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut for awhile. Here is a picture of him in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.

Bill at a confrence (
Bill at a confrence (

Mr. Belsey was in the Canadian Army for a short time. He has a son and a daughter. He created our class Web site, "Canada's Coolest Class." He has made other Web sites, too. He knows the prime minister of Canada and has given speeches all over Canada and around the world. He started Operation H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everywhere -- to help kids help other kids who have been affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and tsunamis.

Well, I`ve almost finished. He now is my teacher in Calgary and still is helping other people. Boy, did he have adventures in Nunavut! He almost fell through the ice. His sled did ...his wife was not happy. Well that's it!

Page created on 8/30/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/30/2011 12:00:00 AM

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