Enjoy 30 minutes of excellent short winning films!

Rainforest Action

Will Parrinello
In 2020 Nemonte received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize and was named to Time Magazine’s Top 100, its annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world.

A Way Forward

Jacob Seigel-Brielle & Isaac Seigel-Boettner |
A Way Forward tells the story of how something as simple as two wheels empowered these incredible young women to pursue their own dreams.

BYkids Trailer: FAITH’S WORLD

Faith Guilbault
Faith Guilbault (age 16) has cerebral palsy and invites us to experience living with special needs so we can all treat being differently abled with humanity and normalcy.

Strangers in Boxes

Gabriel Diamond
A group of activists—all strangers—from more than 15 countries meet online in the midst of a global pandemic.


Quinn feldman, Alyse Rockett, Jordan Slaffey, Jasmine Sugar
This Documentary focuses on 3 powerful black female voices. Alyse Rockett, Jasmine Sugar & Jordan Slaffey. Racial and gender equality will only progress if we continue fighting for it and really listen to whom we're fighting for.

Still Being Written

Mélanie Gohin
A love poem illustrated and animated, this declaration is a gift dedicated to his sweetheart.

Another 30 minutes of excellent winning films...

Dhana: The Art of Giving

Monk Bounma Buddanoy, Monk Jatuporn Simmali, Monk Surakiart Boonmatun | MBU and ...
In Buddhist philosophy, Dhana means giving. The true meaning of giving is explained by Monks offering a way of sharing life in harmony with our planet and one another.


Daunnette Moniz-Reyome | BYkids
Daunnette Moniz-Reyome (age 17) lives on the UmoNHon Native American reservation in Nebraska and wants to inspire her peers to celebrate their culture...

Matagi Mālohi: Strong Winds

Forest Woodward, Canyon Woodward, Aidan Haley
We need to be the strong winds, that Matagi Mālohi, that bring the change our people need to see.

The Sentinel

Brendan Donovan
A call to save the Antipodean Albatross.

My Lucky Something

Celeste Koon
This doc mixes video and animation to bring to life the stories and memories behind the “lucky somethings” that bring hope in uncertain times.

MABON ‘The 8 year old activist’

Jack Davies
Our world has a serious ocean plastics problem. There are now a higher number of plastics in the ocean than the number of fish.

Staying Well with Coach West

Produced by:Carolyn Hodge-West, Jessica Ordaz, Emma Garcia, Nicole Petrovsky, Je...
Coach West helps navigate you through the emotional fallout of COVID-19 with helpful tips.


Moisés García
Finding peace is the most important of all. While others find it in the noise, some find it in the most silent of places.

30 minutes of excellent winning student films

Joan Ganz Cooney: The Unsung Hero Who Led Us All To Sesame Street

Anna Brodine | Seaman High School
Joan Ganz Cooney as producer of Sesame Street, combined education and entertainment in children’s television programming..

As An Asthmatic

Alayna DeGraef, Elise DeGraef, and Bailey Revering | In-Progress
A video short about the impact of vaping on youth.


Jasmine Blossom Martoglio, Aurelia Sunshine Martoglio | Batchelor Middle School
This is a documentary about an unsung hero named Maurice Hilleman who created an amazing amount of vaccines, and made it possible for modern vaccines to work.

57 Years Ago

Jackson Carrico | New Roads High School
A short anti-racism music video honoring the victims of police brutality.

Another 30 minutes of excellent winning student films

Hania and Jacek

Roch Karwowski , Mia Karwowska, Franciszek Karwowski

TRANSPARENCY: Becoming Oliver

Tessa Grace Morell
Experimental short film made to visually accompany the original poem "Becoming Oliver" written by Oliver Marino.

8 Minutes and 46 Seconds

Angel Miracle Espericueta
A video poem dedicated to the memory of George Floyd and those that stood up in protest against his murder by police.

5400 Children

Morgen Arguelles
A strong statement about child separation at the U.S. / Mexico border and its impact on knowledgeable youth that are watching its government's policies in action.

Dangers Of Vaping

Basil Patterson, Avital Mintz, Sebastian Alexandre, Miranda Bauer
A film about how vaping is marketed to children. By: Basil Paterson, Avital Mintz, Sebastian Alexandre, & Miranda Bauer

Organizer created on 1/10/2022 5:21:00 PM by Wendy Milette

Last edited 1/10/2022 5:46:50 PM by Wendy Milette