View original artworks by professional and student artists that successfully illustrate the lives and courageous acts of heroes who promote change by positively affecting others and their communities.
Student hero art selections
Shetterly Portrait Award Winner - Artist and Activist Tom Block, Founder of the Human Rights Painting Project
Robert Shetterly - Artist Founder of the portrait project
Americans Who Tell the
Ben Heine's Hero Portraits and Themes- Belgian Artist with a Global Perspective
African Mosaics of Uganda Created from Dried Banana Leaf Fibers
Art GalleryTutorial
Guide to Uploading Your Original Art
The MY HERO Gallery invites professional, emerging and student artists from around the globe to contribute your original hero artworks. The MY HERO Project will publish your appropriate original images that celebrate your heroes and the organizations that support positive social change.
Organizer created on 7/11/2017 1:05:35 PM by victoria murphy
Last edited 6/13/2021 3:13:01 AM by Jeanne Meyers