Bethany Hamilton's action shot surfing hear the word hero quite a lot these days thanks to Marvel and the movies. Iron man, Thor, Captain America and Wonder Woman are not just heroes, they are Superheroes. According to Webster, a hero is “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Bethany Hamilton shows people to not let any obstacles get in your way by stating, ¨People can do whatever they want if they just set their heart to it, and just never give up, and just go out there and do it.¨ Hamilton got caught into a shark attack on October 31, 2003, which changed her life in both negative and positive ways. She is known for the shark attack and for being an inspirational shark attack survivor. Bethany Hamilton was born in Lihue, Hawaii. She was raised to her parents, Tom and Cheri Hamilton and her brothers, Noah and Timothy, have been with her throughout her life. To me, being a hero means to possess the characteristics determination, confidence and being selfless. Bethany Hamilton isn't just known as a hero for the girl who survived a shark attack. She is also known for her determination to fight for what she loves by not letting her injury get in the way, being confident by not letting her disability lower her confidence and being selfless by helping others.
The first reason why Bethany Hamilton is a hero is because she's determined, despite her injury. On Bethany Hamilton’s website, in her biography it describes how “One month after the attack, Bethany returned to the water and within 2 years had won her first National title. In 2007, she realized her dream of surfing professionally and since then her story has been told in a New York Times best selling autobiography and in the 2011 film, SOUL SURFER” ( Bethany showed determination by pursuing her dream of surfing professionally without letting her terrifying experience stop her. Because winning a national title for surfing or any sport takes a lot of hard work and determination, especially after a shark attack, Bethany’s ability to win the national title demonstrates determination.
Bethany Hamilton a couple years after the attack the girls' magazine, New Moon Girls, an article about Bethany Hamilton gives her background story by retelling how “ On October 31, while surfing off of the North Shore of Kauai, Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark. The shark severed her left arm, just below her shoulder. Three weeks later, Bethany got back on her board, determined to surf again”(Gale Research in Context, The last word). The short length of time (3 weeks) between when Bethany got injured and when she got back on her board reveals her determination to strive for what she loves to do. The fact that Bethany had such an extreme injury, losing not only a part of her left arm, but her entire left arm and yet she continued to surf, portrays her determination to continue without letting hardships get in the way. Bethany’s determination is obvious when one looks at the severity of her injury and all her actions following it. She worked hard to get over her hardship in order to surf again shortly after the attack and continued to work hard after that to become a professional surfer and win a national title.
The second reason why Bethany Hamilton is a hero is because her response to her situation and role after the accident reflected confidence, which is a heroic trait. In a 2010 Success Magazine, Marie Speed interviewed Hamilton and stated her own thoughts about Hamilton afterwards. “Hamilton's reaction to what would have been a devastating game-changer for most 13-year-olds is a testament to how her life has played out since then. She did not spiral into self-pity or depression or a lifelong career as a victim. Instead, she connected with the values instilled by her parents” (Gale Biography in Context,Getting back on the board: nothing could keep young Bethany Hamilton from pursuing her passion as a surfer--not even the fear of another shark attack). Instead of losing confidence and letting negative emotions take over after her ability to surf became affected by her accident, Bethany was able to have confidence because she did not “spiral into self-pity or depression.” Bethany was confident enough to become known publicly for her misfortune, instead of making herself known as a victim. It takes a lot of confidence to come out in the public eye without victimizing oneself after suffering through such a tragic experience.
Bethany Hamilton giving a speech part of the description of Hamilton’s attitude and accomplishments, the article in New Moon Girls, explains that “Since losing her arm, Bethany's faith has kept her strong and optimistic. She serves as spokesperson for the Beating the Odds Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping at-risk teens succeed in life. In 2004, Bethany also became a board member and spokesperson for World Vision International, a global organization that provides support for families facing poverty”(Gale Research in Context, The last word). Being strong and optimistic is synonymous with being confident which are all characteristics Bethany possessed after her accident according to the description in New Moon Girls. Bethany’s confidence is exhibited in her undertake of two spokesperson positions because being a spokesperson includes talking in public to many people, which requires confidence. Bethany’s confidence can be seen in her lack of a negative reaction, positive attitude and ability to confidently speak in public.
Lastly, the third trait that makes Bethany Hamilton a hero is her selflessness which can be seen through her effort to help others in several ways. On Bethany’s website, her biography points out that “Bethany is involved in numerous charitable efforts, including her own foundation, Friends of Bethany, which reaches out to amputees and youth, encouraging a broken world by offering hope to overcome through Jesus Christ” ( Even though Bethany suffered greatly due to the shark attack, she still puts the needs of others before her by being involved in various charities. Despite that Bethany is a victim herself she doesn’t let this stop her from being selfless as seen by the foundation that she set up herself for other amputees and youth.
In a biographical description of her life as a media star, it notes that “her agent/manager, Roy Hofstetter, told Duncan Campbell of Observer Sports Magazine,” "The main purpose is ... to use her own experience to help others. She wants to talk about women surfing and about her faith. She does not want to be called brave or a heroine or anything, she just wants to be natural with people around the world" (Gale Biography in Context, Bethany Hamilton). By not wanting to be called “brave or a heroine” Bethany is being selfless because she is making the decision to not be put on a pedestal above others. Bethany is considerate of others by giving others hope through sharing her story. The two aspects of the heroic trait of selflessness can be seen in Bethany. First of all, she helps others by creating a charity and uses her story to give others confidence to push through obstacles in life. Second of all, she doesn’t put herself in front of others which can be seen by her lack of effort in glorifying herself or making herself a victim.
Bethany Hamilton can be defined as a hero through the heroic traits of determination, confidence and selflessness, which she expresses in various ways through her response to her accident and actions she takes. In summary, Bethany was determined to continue her dream to surf professionally, despite being disabled. Her determination was so powerful that it led to others seeing her as a hero. Also, the heroic way Bethany reacted to her situation included maintaining a positive approach to life and having enough confidence to be a spokesperson. Finally, just as superheroes save others, Bethany supported others by sharing her story and owning her own charity. Bethany Hamilton inspires others by giving them aspiration through hardships she has fought through and all the roles she has taken. For example, Bethany inspires people by showing that no matter how many difficult situations your going through, there's a way to overcome them by not giving up.
Personally, Bethany is a hero because of the situations she has been through and the way she’s overthrown them, which shows that anything is possible when fighting to conquer the challenge. Heroes that are most known for are the ones that are watched on TV, who take on big tasks like saving the world and saving people with their awesome super power. In this case, Bethany isn’t known as a hero that just acts on TV for people's enjoyment. The type of person Bethany portrays is, someone who is selfless towards others, confident being a spokesperson with a disability and having determination to be able to earn national titles without an arm. There is always a way to accomplish a goal, as long as you set your mind and heart to it. Even though the ocean took her arm away, the ocean didn’t take away the girl full of determination and capacity.
Works Cited
"Bethany Hamilton." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2005. Biography in Context, Accessed 22 Mar. 2018.
Bethany Hamilton, 2015,
Hamilton, Bethany, et al. Soul Surfer: a True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. Pocket Books, 2012.
Speed, Marie. "Getting back on the board: nothing could keep young Bethany Hamilton from pursuing her passion as a surfer--not even the fear of another shark attack." Success, Feb. 2010, p. 36+. Biography In Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.
"The last word." New Moon Girls, Sept.-Oct. 2008, p. 49. Research in Context, Accessed 26 Mar. 2018.
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Last edited 9/2/2021 11:32:07 PM