Bethany surfing after her attack.lingdigi.comAn average 13 year old girl would be thinking about when to start their homework or how to talk to their crush, but not Bethany Hamilton. She was thinking to herself, would I ever be able to surf again? Am I going to be able to tie my shoes again? How badly is my life going to be affected? Despite her injury, Bethany wanted to surf as soon as possible. She was born in 1990 and started surfing at the age of 8. On Oct. 31 Bethany's life was changed forever. (“Bethany Hamilton.” Google Search,). Who would have known that an average young girl would be lying in a hospital bed thinking about never surfing again which was her passion. Bethany Hamilton was a hero that has inspired many people to never give up. She continued doing what she loved and won many awards.“Shortly afterward, she finished second in the open women's division of the National Scholastic Surfing Association (NSSA) National Championships at San Clemente, California. Bethany Hamilton was a 13-year-old surfer, and one of the best amateurs in the United States when she was bitten by a shark while surfing in October of 2003.”("Bethany Hamilton.”Gale). She did not know if she would be able to surf again because of her injury. Despite Bethany’s negative thoughts she found a way to get back in the water as soon as possible. "I have to stand up and catch the first wave on my own."("Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton ). She is very inspiring to many kids and adults because she taught them to never give up and always think positively. Bethany Hamilton wasn't just a young surfer, she was an inspiring person who has taught many lessons to many different people. Her positivity has made her into the successful speaker and surfer she is today. Bethany has motivated many children to never give up on what you love and always put forth effort in.
Bethany speaking at a was a professional surfer who lost her arm due to a shark attack. She never gave up surfing thereby inspiring many people in this world to stay motivated.. The Hamilton family also attends church on a regular basis and talks to many people about her experience and how she has overcame it. ("Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton). If Bethany gave up on surfing she wouldn't be the inspiring women she is today. Despite her injury, Hamilton wanted to surf again right away. Bethany Hamilton was very inspiring to many kids because she taught them to do what they love and to never give up. Bethany’s comeback after the attack was very impactful because it was harder to surf with one arm. Even though she was injured she still went back in the water and continued to do what she loved. Bethany is also very religious and does many church activities for kids and adults. Bethany was very brave and inspiring because she jumped right back in the water after her attack despite her fears. She kept a positive attitude through the rough time she went through. “Her promising career was seemingly derailed at age 13 when a shark bit off her left arm, but she resumed surfing shortly afterward and won a national title in 2005”(“Bethany Hamilton.” Google Search, Google,). She was 13 when her arm got bit off by a shark. Bethany remained very successful after her attack and that is very inspiring. She continues to surf in the ocean and goes all around the world to inform people of her experience and how she overcame it. She could have easily given up and stopped surfing but, she instantly got back in the ocean and continued doing what she loved.“Even more important, Hamilton demonstrated that the loss of an arm was no obstacle to fulfilling her surfing goals.”(“Bethany Hamilton.” Google Search,). Bethany Hamilton was born to surf and when she got hurt she said “surfing is my passion and I can’t let that go. Those words are very inspiring because most people would’ve given up out of fear, but not Bethany Hamilton. Overall Bethany Hamilton has inspired many people to keep a positive attitude even when things don't go well. Her positive attitude kept her from giving up after she was hurt. Bethany said that having motivation makes it easier to accomplish her goals and dreams.
Bethany shows determination by putting 100% into what she loves to do. “She paddled out with Alana Blanchard and Alana's brother and father. After a half-hour of surfing, the group was floating on their boards, waiting for a good-sized wave to roll in. Hamilton was dangling her left hand in the water, just as she had done countless times before. But this day was different--she was attacked by a shark.”("Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton). She was a competitive surfer with her best friend Alana Blanchard. Bethany was with Alana’s family when she was bit. Bethany never gave up on herself because she knew surfing was her passion. There was no doubt that she wasn't going to surf again. She easily accomplished her goals due to the determination she had. ("Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton). One of her amazing characteristics is putting others before herself. Bethany goes from church to church to talk about how she has overcame her tragedy.("Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton”). Bethany is a very inspiring women who has inspired many young kids“Hamilton is a Christian, and religion forms the basis for her motivational advice in the early chapters.”( Nation-Vallee, Johanna. "Hamilton,). She doesn't just think about herself and helps people who as gone through similar tragedy. Bethany tries to help people by giving motivational speeches to churches. She does this to inspire her fans to spread kindness. Bethany doesn't just surf on her free time, she also goes to church and give motivational speeches. She talks about her horrible accident and how she deals with it to this day.(Nation-Vallee, Johanna. "Hamilton). Bethany is known for putting others before herself and giving motivational speeches to many people who went through similar situations.
Bethany going back to surfing despite her fears.theguardian.comBethany Hamilton has made a very powerful impact on this world by never giving up, having a positive attitude, and putting others before herself. Bethany had many fears of getting back in the water, but nothing stopped her. She surfed as soon has she healed because she knew she couldn't give up on her dream.“She features inspirational Bible verses, along with the Christian beliefs that have most helped her on her journey to wellness. (Nation-Vallee, Johanna. "Hamilton). Bethany also did many church activities to spread awareness .“The church activities also helped relieve stress and improve her health”(Nation-Vallee, Johanna. "Hamilton). On the day of the attack they helped pull her to shore and get her help immediately. Bethany Hamilton is very important to me because she has taught me to never give up and to always try my best. She also keeps a positive attitude to prevent stress from building up in her life. Bethany could have easily given up after she got hurt but, she did not. Despite her fears she went right back in the water after she healed. She inspires me mainly because she stayed strong and told the world she wasn't going to quit doing what she was born to do. There are very few people in the world like Bethany Hamilton. Like most people, they would have quit surfing and would forever fear the ocean. But Bethany overcame her fears and continued doing what she loved. If Bethany would have given up she wouldn't have inspired millions of kids and adults.
Works Cited
"Bethany Hamilton." Bethany Hamilton (Biography Today), Jan. 2010, p. 1. EBSCOhost,
"Bethany Hamilton." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2005. Biography In Context, Accessed 9 May 20180
“Bethany Hamilton.” Google Search, Google, 16 June 2015,
Nation-Vallee, Johanna. "Hamilton, Bethany. Body and Soul: A Girl's Guide to a Fit, Fun and Fabulous Life." Voice of Youth Advocates, June 2014, p. 90.Research in Context, Accessed 9 May 2018.
“Young Surfer Tells Tale of Shark Attack.” ABC News, ABC News Network, 21 Nov. 2005,
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Last edited 5/22/2018 10:44:15 PM