
BIG DEAL MEDIA Newsletter April 2022

by Laura Sandoval from Barrington, IL

147772BIG DEAL MEDIA logoBig Deal MediaStories Celebrating the Best of Humanity

The MY HERO Project inspires people of all ages to learn, create, and act in powerful, positive ways. Heroes give us hope and inspiration. They are examples of perseverance, courage, kindness, and compassion. Positive role models help us understand our own ability to create positive change in the world.

The MY HERO website provides digital tools for visitors to publish web pages that honor heroes, using stories, artwork, audio, and films. The thematic features of the MY HERO homepage change weekly, highlighting diverse heroes related to current events and emerging resources. Each feature provides links to short films, art, and essays from the growing MY HERO online library. A daily calendar also provides inspiration every day of the year.

On MY HERO, students are invited to share inspiring media celebrating well-known and unsung heroes working to create positive change in their own communities and around the world. Teachers in K–12 can use MY HERO to support social and emotional learning for students of all ages. ESL teachers can use the materials for language studies.

MY HERO in the classroom promotes values, creativity, self-expression, cross-cultural understanding, and appreciation of diversity with students of all ages and grade levels. Through the website, digital storytelling tools, teacher training, salons, contests, film festivals, and workshops, MY HERO helps students gain an understanding of their ability to follow in the footsteps of heroes.

Plus: To encourage and reward creativity and self-expression, MY HERO awards prizes to students for outstanding films, art, essays, and music.

MY HERO is currently accepting submissions about heroes helping others during the coronavirus outbreak. The hero can be anyone. Winners of the Coronavirus Community Hero Contest will be announced in the categories of elementary, middle school, high school, and college. The deadline for submissions is April 20, 2022.

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Page created on 4/15/2022 3:20:38 PM

Last edited 4/15/2022 3:46:37 PM