Bill Gates drinks water made from human feces“What is a hero? Not a big man with a gun; not anymore. But a billionaire software mogul sounds almost equally unlikely”(Lewis). This man has: “found a new way to help save the world: by drinking water made from human poo” (Lewis). One may idolize different heroes than others, it is based on one’s beliefs and the situation they're in that affects their understanding of what constitutes a hero. In modern society, anyone from time to time can display acts of heroism, but does that truly make that someone, of what is called, a hero? The majority of society live their ordinary lives believing that they do not incorporate what it takes to represent a hero. They usually leave the titles of a hero to people such as policemen, firemen, and the individuals who serve in the army, because it is their duty to sacrifice their lives to ensure that others will have freedom and live in prosperity. Consider what these people all have in common; it is their compassionate soul leading to their sacrifice and their assiduous determination to support the society which makes them a hero. These two qualities that are prized by society act as puzzle pieces to constitute a heroic title; in other words, one can generally be recognized as a hero if one acquires those attributes. Therefore, a notable hero is an individual who has a potent determination to take action against the dark secrets of the world and is willing to sacrifice all he has in order for the contentment of many others because of all the compassion that the individual feels for them.
Likewise, the one man who is not only the CEO of Microsoft but also an investor, author, philanthropist, an American business magnate and humanitarian, in addition possessing those ideal traits of determination and compassion for others, leading to the one and only Bill Gates. Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. Gates and his wife created a foundation dedicated to improving education, health, and poverty problems that prevail in the world. He even stepped down as a full-time Microsoft employee to focus on his philanthropic projects. In addition, Gates has donated billions of dollars to countless charities, because their main objective is similar to Gates’, to revolutionize humanity. Bill Gates knows that he is the wealthiest human on Earth, and he also knows that there are many who aren't affluent like he is, causing him to give a majority of his wealth away so others can get what they need. Additionally, his sheer determination to change the world and help everyone live jubilant lives has motivated many to be inspired, leading them to recognize him as a true hero. As a result, Bill Gates is an extraordinary life figure who stands as a role model to many because of his deeds of compassion directed to those who are in need, and his adamant manner to revolutionize the world for the betterment of humanity.
Bill Gates trying to fix worldwide health and education problems exhibits compassion because he has a genuine regard for feelings and circumstances of the people living through adversity, showing that he truly is a figure who withholds a prodigious amount of inspiration. In 2011, Gates delivered a discourse to the Sixty-fourth World Health Assembly, in his presentation, he announced his experience going to a poorer area of the world: “In 1994, I traveled to sub-Saharan Africa. It was impossible to ignore the devastating impact of disease and poverty on people’s lives” (Gates). Gates asserted that the calamitous aftermath of illness and poverty on people’s lives were “impossible to ignore,” which implies that this situation shocked Gates that many in the world aren't living lives like how a normal human would imagine. Gates’ thoughts when he experienced this notion illustrates his compassionate approach towards the poor, furthermore, exposing his genuine regard for the poverty-stricken people’s pain and suffering, additionally proving that the unfortunate event was truly impractical to disregard. As Gates continued on with his discourse to the World Health Assembly, he avowed: “This was a sobering realization for me. I had built my life around the idea that innovation is for everyone. When I began to understand how billions of people are deprived of its benefits, it made me angry. That’s when I decided to use my personal wealth to be used to help confront that inequity.” (Gates). Gates claimed that it was a “sobering realization”, which portrays his genuine regard for others. Moreover, Gates affirmed that his situation propelled him to become “angry”, proving that Gates feels sympathy for them because they are not living the lives they should be living, in which Gates mentions as “benefits”. Gates’ solution to “confront that inequity” was to use his own “personal wealth”, validating the idea that Gates is a compassionate man because he is willing to use his own hard-earned money to perform compassionate deeds to those in need, therefore uncovering his genuine regards for others. Ultimately, Bill Gates withholds the heroic attribute of compassion because of his understanding of the hardships many are going through and his sympathetic acts with his personal wealth.
Queen Elizabeth II presents Bill Gates with his honorary knighthood Gates’ biggest dream is to make a positive change in the world, forcing him to work adamantly in order for him to assuage his desire to make the world a place for everyone to live in content. In a newspaper article, written by English writer Jemima Lewis, she talked about a speech that Gates delivered a few years ago. She states: “The speech he gave was as self-effacing as his fashion sense. He kept talking about his determination to eliminate polio worldwide - wipe it out completely, forever…” (Lewis). Lewis declares that Gates “talked about his determination to eliminate Polio worldwide”, demonstrating that Gates is willing and will try his hardest to get rid of the deadly disease. Similarly, Lewis states that Gates wanted to “wipe it out completely, forever”, revealing his determined orientation that he is capable of doing this nearly impossible assignment. This determination reveals his adamant manner to revolutionize the world. In a biography regarding on Bill Gates’ substantial accomplishments, it states that: “In January 2004 Gates was named for honorary knighthood, for his "contribution to enterprise" in the United Kingdom. In December of 2005, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced that it would disburse $84.3 million in grants to Save the Children and the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, for programs that fight infant mortality in developing countries. In that same month Gates, along with his wife Melinda and U2 singer Bono, were named Time's Persons of the Year for their charitable work toward reducing poverty and disease throughout the world” (Gale). This represents Gates’ determination to reach his goal, he was “named for honorary knighthood” in 2004 for his “contribution to enterprise”, and in 2005, he along with his wife was awarded “Time’s Persons of the Year” because it is impossible for one to win such awards with little effort. For this reason, Gates’ adamant manner to change the world is expressed through his accomplishments, manifesting the fact that he is a man that accommodates a heroic epitome. Primarily, Gates’ devotion towards his ambition to eliminate polio and revolutionize the world confirms that he is adamant to reach his goals of making the world a place for everyone to live a comfortable, healthy life.
Bill and Melinda Gates helping to improve the lives of many Gate serves as the pinnacle of idealistic heroic embodiment because not only he is a man who retains a great deal of compassion towards his contemporaries, but also a man who withholds a sheer conviction to grasp his passion. Gates is absolutely an individual with a heroic status because he lets nothing block his objective to reach his dream of revolutionizing the world to a utopian community. His humane heart along with his compassion saved countless innocent lives. When those innocent lives were in the dark, desperate for someone, anyone to offer support, Gates was the one who brought the light to them. Gates allowed them to stand up on their feet and progress on with their lives. In Lewis’ article published by the English newspaper company The Telegraph, she proclaims that: “Gates has, by most estimates, saved more than six million lives. Since 1994, when he and his wife started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they have given away $30.2 billion - around 37 percent of their net worth - most of it on global health initiatives” (Lewis). Gates’ brilliant work reflects his adamant manner to chase his dreams, and his compassionate character leading him to be a role model to many individuals. My sentiment on whether someone is a true inspiration or not is that they must be contrasting to society. For instance, the majority of the average modern society work for money, that is their main target in life, to become rich. When they accomplish their objective, the greed within them controls them to want to make more and more money, even when they have a sufficient amount. Bill Gates, on the other hand, is the complete opposite of that concept, this is what makes him as an individual that stands out from the rest of society. Yes, Gates is sensationally well-heeled, but he uses his wealth as a tool for the betterment of the world. His generous personality and his firm dedication not only makes me look up to Gates as a mentor, but others will do too. Withal, the actions of Gates influenced me to be typically more bounteous toward my peers, and doing so also makes me feel better as a person as well. Moreover, the sacrifice of the policemen, firemen, and the individuals who serve in the army is what makes them heroic. In this case, Gates “sacrificed” the time in his life to creating a product that would make a positive change in the world.
Works Cited
"Bill Gates." Business Leader Profiles for Students, edited by Sheila Dow and Jaime E. Noce,
vol. 2, Gale, 2002. Biography in Context, Accessed 9 Jan. 2018.
"Bill Gates Speech to the Sixty-fourth World Health Assembly [document]." Africa News
Service, 18 May 2011. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 9 Jan. 2018.
Lewis, Jemima. “Why Bill Gates Is a True Hero.” The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group, 9 Jan.
Page created on 2/20/2018 5:46:50 AM
Last edited 2/21/2018 4:32:54 PM
Hi, my name is Joseph and recently I had to write about someone who stands out as a hero to me for my English class. While I was thinking about who inspires me, Bill Gates immediately popped up in my mind. Throughout my life, my dad always wanted me to become someone like Gates, he always talks about how Gates donated most of his hard earned money for the betterment of others who are in need. Aside from his philanthropic actions, I was also fascinated by his intelligence and determination, he was also the CEO of world-famous technology company Microsoft! He is a true inspiration and I will always look up to him as a role-model.