
Bruce Lee

by Xou from Minnesota

Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee

To me, a hero is someone who does things her or she thinks is right. Heroes don’t let anyone put them down with words. They do things for people and not themselves, and they do things that inspire other people.

My hero is Bruce Lee because he is a movie star and a great kung-fu teacher. He was born in San Francscio in Chinatown on November 27, 1940. He became famous in 1964.

I learned that even if what you're doing is not seen as right by everyone, you should do it, if it is the right thing to do for you. You are also standing up for what’s right.

Bruce Lee showed that Asians can be exactly the same as other races. He made everyone believe that since he could do it, then other people could also do the same.

That is why Bruce Lee is my hero.

Page created on 7/26/2006 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/26/2006 12:00:00 AM

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