
Rutherford B. Hayes

by Emily

"His conduct on the field was marked by conspicuous gallantry, as well as the display of qualities of a higher older man that of mere personal daring" -Ulysses S. Grant, on Hayes'' service in the Union Army

Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Ohio, on October 4th, 1822, to a long line of military men. He graduated from Kenyon College first in his class, allowing him to further his education by studying law at Harvard. Before the Civil War, Hayes was a practicing law in Cincinnati, as a City Solicitor. When the Civil War broke out, Hayes rose ranks at a fast pace, soon becoming the major general of the 23rd Ohio Infantry of Volunteers. Even though he was wounded severely in several separate major battles, he continued to fight. During the war, he was nominated to serve in the House of Representatives, but he refused to serve his term until the Union emerged victorious in the Civil War.

Hayes served in several battles, most of them important to the outcome of the Civil War. Battle of South Mountain-1862, Maryland, received heavy casualties, but refused to surrender and continued to fight, Hayes suffered his first serious wound. Hayes aided in stopping Morgan's raiders in Buffington, Ohio, in 1863. Battle of Winchester-1864, Virginia, was promoted to Colonel of the 23rd Ohio Infantry, first to enter the town and fight. Battle of Cedar Creek-fourth wound, and was promoted to Brigadier General by General George Crook. Led men in the campaign of 1864 in West Virginia.

After he was elected to the House of Representatives in December of 1865, Hayes attempted to bring the country to what it was before the Civil War politically and economically, but without slavery. His time in the Civil War aided him when he had to make militaristic decisions as the president. He also had a reputation as a hard working soldier during the Civil War, and this reputation followed him during his presidency. Before his presidency and after his time in the House of Representatives, Hayes served as governor of Ohio for three terms.

Rutherford B. Hayes was a hero in many aspects; he fought valiantly during the Civil War, despite his extensive wounds, and he managed to boost morale within his company, which in turn helped them fight. Even though, at times, he was faced with defeat during the war, he still led his men into battle and fought bravely. Even though he was forty years old at the time of the Civil War, he decided to leave his wife and his four children in order to defend the Union. At the Battle of Opequon Creek, Hayes was the leader of the charge that changed the outcome of the war, by fighting despite threat of defeat. At the end of the war, it was said that Hayes entered the war and served with "gallant and distinguished services". His dedication to serving as a soldier in the Union cemented him as a war hero, and in turn his dedication to his service propelled him to become a member of the House of Representatives and later the president of the United States.

During his time as president, Rutherford B. Hayes ended Reconstruction, by taking out federal troops from states throughout the country. Even though he was faced with many political difficulties during his one term presidency, Hayes left an indelible mark on party politics and the United States. After he retired from his second job, a politician, Hayes worked on prison reform and education issues in Ohio with his wife, Lucy. He invested in a trust that provided one million dollars to Southern blacks seeking a Christian education. Hayes fell ill in January of 1893, and died of heart failure on January 17th.

Page created on 10/25/2013 10:51:57 AM

Last edited 11/10/2018 11:07:17 PM

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Extra Info

His wife, Lucy Webb, became known as "Lemonade Lucy", for banning all liquor in the White House.

He became the 19th president of the United States. Even though he was shot four times during the war, he said that his time at war was the best time of his life.

Hayes was nominated to be in the House of Representatives, but he refused to campaign, saying "an officer fit for duty who at this crisis would abandon his post to electioneer... ought to be scalped."

His wife was the first "First Lady".

Hayes instituted the Easter Egg Roll Race at the White House.

He was the first president to have both a typewriter and a telephone in the White House.