My hero is my mom. She was born in Toronto, Ontario. She grew up in Scarborough, Ontario. She has one brother named Jordan who is 18 months younger than she is and one sister, Stephanie, who is 9 years younger. My mom was interested in languages, music, and art in school. My mom wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up.
This person's life is remarkable because she cares for her family. Her life is admirable because she takes me to sports and out for dinner. My hero was raised in a loving family and was very close to her grandparents. When my mom was growing up, she would get frustrated because she wasn't as close to her mom as she wanted to be. My mom started working as a student at age 15 and was able to put herself through university and paid for riding lessons, which she was proud of. My mom still wishes she got into a career working with animals, but unfortunatly, she wasn't too good in math or science.
The lesson that I would learn from this is that it helps to know a career path by high school and pursue that. Parents play a big role in shaping how we grow up and it is important to listen to them. My mom didn't make any enemies, and she is a pretty easy-going person. My mom can't think of any one person who guided her, but she was very close to her grandmother who made her feel confident. To be a hero, you have to be brave and smart. My mom is a hero because she is married to a nice man and has three kids. A hero is different from a celebrity because he or she is not famous. My mom's hero was Terry Fox. My mom has lived in Calgary for the past eight years and moved to Calgary from Ontario. My mom is alive and lives in Springbank and is currently a stay-at-home mom.
When my mom was in high school, she was very good at playing the violin. She won an award for the highest mark in her music class for two years in a row. She also participatrd in a few riding shows over the years and got some ribbons. Her biggest award was her B.A.
I chose her because I love her. I have learned that my mom had a fairly interesting life and has some regrets and has made some mistakes, but don't we all wish our lives were a little better?
Page created on 2/17/2006 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 2/17/2006 12:00:00 AM