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Brother Ray: Ray Charles'' Own Story

By Ray Charles, David Ritz

Publisher: Da Capo Press, October 2004
ISBN: 9780306814310
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
Ray Charles (1930-2004) led one of the most extraordinary lives of any popular musician. In Brother Ray, he tells his story in an inimitable and unsparing voice, from the chronicle of his musical development to his heroin addiction to his tangled romantic life. Overcoming poverty, blindness, the loss of his parents, and the pervasive racism of the era, Ray Charles was acclaimed worldwide as a genius by the age of thirty-two. By combining the influences of gospel, jazz, blues, and country music, he invented, almost single-handedly, what became known as soul. And throughout a career spanning more than a half century, Ray Charles remained in complete control of his life and his music, allowing nobody to tell him what he could and couldn't do. As the Chicago Sun-Times put it, Brother Ray is "candid, explicit, sometimes embarrassing, often hilarious, always warm, touching, and deeply human - just like his music."
User Reviews:
Jaruvat | 10/8/2009 7:37 PM
He is a great singer
sammie | 5/1/2009 1:20 AM
ray is the greatest
andrea reyes | 3/31/2008 6:31 AM
i really admire you for the fact that you were blind and you didnt let come between of what you wanted. You have really great music. R.I.P
benjamin johnson | 11/29/2005 3:18 AM
man i think you are the boom you sing real good

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