
Bubble Bass Essay

By: Samuel Holbert


The hero i chose for essay is Bubble Bass. Something about Bubble Bass are that he is a fish on a tv show called Spongebob and he is my hero. He will never die and lives alone in this pipe-looking house in the episodes that he was in. He has some relationships with other fish in the ocean. He is also really cool. 

Bubble Bass is my hero because he has made time when I was super bored go by faster. That has made a big difference. They have done better because some have tried but not succeeded in making me not bored but Bubble Bass has. If he had not excited I don't know what would I would do so I'm thankful for him.

The reason I chose Bubble Bass is because he is like an idle to me and I don't know what I could do without him. I got drawn to Bubble Bass cause I didn't want to be like anyone else. He had a direct affect on my life through TV. He is a lifesaver to me and probably a lot of other people. I think he would make a pretty good role model for other kids like me. The final I will do is describe him in one word “Awesome”.



Page created on 6/4/2018 8:53:50 PM

Last edited 11/18/2018 6:21:35 PM

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