Bullying Awareness Week

Bullying Awareness Week is a national campaign in Canada started by Canadian educator and president, Bill Belsey. Bullying Awareness Week is observed during the third week of November.

Most people get bullied at some point in their lives, but when you're the one being bullied it can feel like you are all alone. That's why it's important to remember that you're not alone and there are people who are willing to help.

This page has resources for how to deal with bullying, as well as stories about real-life heroes who stood up to bullies--their own or someone else's.

You can also share your story, art, song or film about someone who stood up to a bully. Register at and get started.

Books on Bullying

McGraw helps kids identify potentially harmful situations and deal with bullies through tips, techniques, and examples that apply to real-life situations.

Jay McGraw's Life Strategies for Dealing with Bullies
Credit: Simon & Schuster

A complementary inside-out approach that taps the power of students to change the social norms of a school culture in order to stop bullying and violence.

Safe School Ambassadors
Credit: Wiley, John and Sons, Inc.

How parents and teachers can help break the cycle of violence from pre-school to high school.

The Bully, The Bullied, and the Bystander
Credit: Harper Collins

Standing up to Bullying: Stories

Bill Belsey

By: Jesse from Calgary
Bill Belsey teaches his students and others how to stand up to bullying.

Christian Bryan Alexander Harvey

By: Elsbeth from Norwood

Harvey teaches schools how to stop bullying.

Joel Burns

By: Wendy Jewell

Joel Burns reached out to LGBTQ+ teens with a personal story and a message of hope.

The Little Rock Nine

By: Natasha from New Haven
The Little Rock Nine bravely fought discrimination to attend an all white high school in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Valerie Weisler takes on bullying with The Validation Project

By: Taylor Zansberg<br> Talking GOOD<br> <h5>Permission to use this material<br>...
Valerie Weisler , founder of The Validation Project, aims to put a worldwide end to bullying.

No Bully Beat. Confronting bullying, one drumbeat at a time

By: Stacey Closser<br> Latitude News<br> <h5>Permission to use this material<br>...
No Bully Beat, a unique program to combat bullying that uses drums as a way to connect to kids.

Essay on Bullying

By: Kylee Friederichs from Boys and Girls Club <br>of Laguna Beach - TLC Branch

Tim McIlrath

By: Tyler from San Diego
Tim McIlrath composes and performs music that makes raises awareness about bullying.

Video playlists on the topics of 

* Stand up to bullying

The harmful effects of online abuse

*TED Talks for National Bullying Prevention Month

and more


TED Video Playlist on Bullying
Credit: TED

Promoting Tolerance

Pee Wee Reese

By: Jacob from Eden Prairie

Pee Wee Reese stood up to racism in Major League Baseball.

Eboo Patel: Helping young people champion religious tolerance

By: Amanda Paulson <br> Contributor of The Christian Science Monitor<br> <h5>Per...
Eboo Patel: Helping young people champion religious tolerance founded the Interfaith Youth Core to defend religious diversity.

Ryan Wayne White

By: Christina from Hobart

Championed tolerance for AIDS

Harvey Milk

By: Tammy Chen from San Diego
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay politician and worked to gain equal rights for the LGBT community.

John Wallach

By: Susannah Abbey
John Wallach helps young people learn to make friends of enemies.

Chantelle Brown-Young

By: Kylie from Manhattan

Standing up to Bullying and Promoting Tolerance: Art

York Region Anti-Bullying Coalition

By: - YRABC -

Kindness Letters Combat Bullying

By: Photo courtesy of Boys & Girls Club of Laguna Beach TLC Branch<br>Credit: Da...

Abuse Hurts! Ban Bullying!

By: Caitlin Hancock

Taylor Swift

By: Jake from Laguna Beach

Taylor Swift's song "Mean" is an anti-bullying statement.

Lady Gaga

By: Yvonne LaPointe

Lady Gaga has defended kids from bullying:

Andy Biersack

By: Makayla Mavers Price

Biersack (singer Black Veil Brides) experienced bullying as a teen and wrote songs about not giving in to bullying or negative peer pressure.

Gerard Way

By: Makayla Mavers Price from Jasper

Lead singer of My Chemical Romance, Way has spoken out about not giving in to peer pressure or bullying.

Standing up to Bullying and Promoting Tolerance: Films

You Are Special

Producer: Sherryn Sim

Created as part of a special outreach program along with the Young Writers Program, and promoted in the "Stop Bullying: Speak Up" campaign.

Janet Miller

Produced by:The Working Group

Janet Miller leads her students to stand up for their LGBT peers.

Kiki Vo

Produced by:The Working Group

Kiki and her sisters endured taunts and bullying and were separated when their father died of lung cancer a few years later. 

Get Involved With Force

Producer: Henning Ricke

The story of a teenager who comes up with an ingenious idea to help a kid that has fallen victim to a group of bullies.

Austin Police Department & LGPOA: It Gets Better

Producer: Steven McCormick/Shawn Northcutt

The Lesbian & Gay Peace Officers Association sends a message to LGBTQ youth that it does get better.

Resources to Stop Bullying

Organizer created on 3/11/2015 3:42:07 PM by Becky Miller

Last edited 11/7/2019 7:21:46 PM by Anthony Pouw