
Amy Carmichael

by Danielle from Fredericksburg


Some people only consider men to be heroes, but women can also be heroes. A hero to me is someone who has given up the things that you and I use every single day to achieve something higher and grander to them. For example, Amy Carmichael is a hero to me for the reason that she gave up some of life’s pleasures, like a husband, just to follow God.

Amy’s family moved to Belfast, Ireland soon after her dad died. She was very young. She started working for city missions; this is when Amy started believing, as well as working for God. In 1883 she left for a Keswick Convention in Japan. A Keswick Convention is basically a Bible conference. She came to find out early on that missionary life was a bit bizarre. “…We are here just what we are at home - not one bit better - and the devil is awfully busy…,” Amy said about the missionaries in Japan. She did not think that the missionaries in Japan were for her, so she went to care for a friend. She could not stay for long, though, because she was being called back by God to missionary work. She decided to go to India. As a missionary, Amy especially helped young children in India. She even started her own organization that was called Dohnavur Fellowship.

Amy has all of the qualities that a hero needs to have to be called a hero. She was fearless, even though she knew that if she kept living the life of God and becoming a missionary, she would have to give up a lot of life’s little pleasures. She never married because she believed that missionary work was better suited for her, and she also did not have time to really have or to find a husband.

She applied herself to her work, and she basically gave up her life for it. The thing that impressed me the most was that she knew what she wanted and she did it. As we kids grow up, our parents tell us that we can grow up and be anything that we want to be. I never really thought that until I started studying about Amy. She sacrificed things for what she wanted to do. She had to live her life alone, without a partner, but to her, her partner was God.


She worked to change the world and helped people. She knew that she could only change the world one person at a time. Amy was so determined to help people and show them that there is a Christ in the world, and that he is there for everyone who believes in him. Amy was very humble to everyone that she ever came across during her life.

These are all of the qualities that a person needs to be a hero. Amy devoted her life to helping other people, which I think is a wonderful trait to have. A hero is a person for us to look up to for their superior actions and accomplishments. This is why I would say Amy Carmichael is a hero to me.

Page created on 5/11/2005 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/9/2017 4:28:24 PM

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Related Links

Amy Carmichael
Heroes of History - Read a biography about Amy Carmichael.
Amy Carmichael - Boston University - Found of the Dohnavur Fellowship