This shows Chandragupta Maurya a statue of him. And it also shows the Mauryan Empire
Today or back then we see kings and queens around the world, such as Queen Elizabeth II or Carl XVI Gustaf, the King of Sweden. Some kings or queens would do good things for their people or some make bad choices. But there is 1 goal for every queen and king, is that they all want to encourage people or inspire them, Or want to try to make good decisions. Also they all care for their people and take risks. These traits represent a good king. That's what Chandragupta Maurya did. He took a lot of risks and conquered all the northern part of India. He cared for his people and was known as the master of northern India. He also inspired other people by coming from a really poor childhood to a really rich king.
Chandragupta was a King who lived from 340 to 298 BCE. He died from starvation because he followed this religion called Jainism after he gave his kingdom to his son Bindusara. Chandragupta Maurya was a ruler of the Northern Empire and he was known as the founder of the Mauryan empire. The Mauryan Empire ended when his grandson Ashoka died. He accomplished by conquering the Northern part of India and was the first ruler in India’s history to unify India into 1 state. He was dropped off by his birth parents when he was a baby and was later picked up by a guru known as a teacher, named Chanakya. Later as time grew Chanakya taught Chandra a lot of things. When Chandra was a kid Chanakya saw a lot of potential in his eyes. Ever since that day he has been teaching him education or survival skills and sword fighting. He wanted him to take over the Nanda Kingdom because he was a really bad ruler who just killed everyone who he despised. He didn't care for his people at all. At 322 BCE Chandragupta ended the Nanda’s empire and established the Mauryan Empire. When he became the king he conquered as many states as he could which got people to love him. He did a lot of good things for his people. Every battle Chandra had a plan and his plan was executed by his mentor Chanakya because he was a wise and intelligent man. Chandragupta Maurya was a good King who gave equal rights to both men and woman but was the first ruler of India to unify India as 1 country. Was known as one of the best rulers in history.
Chandragupta Maurya was Courageous because he conquered the Mauryan empire around 322 BCE and his courage made his empire one of the most powerful empires at that time.
This shows how Chandragupta Maurya conquering the northern part of India so he can unify India as 1 enormous state. https://commons.wikimedia.orgChandragupta became one of the most dominant forces in years. He hardly ever lost a battle because he had a lot of confidence in himself, and the intelligence of Chanakya. “Chandragupta’s courage, coupled with Kautilya Chanakya’s intelligence, soon turned the Mauryan Empire into one of the most powerful governments at that time. Chandragupta extended all across Northern India from the Indus River in the west to the Bay of Bengal in the East.” (Violatti) This means Chandra’s courage and his mentor Chanakya's intelligence made the Mauryan Empire into one of the most powerful empire at that time. Chandra’s empire stretched from the west of Indus River all the way to the East of Bay of Bengal. Chandragupta not only conquered many places, he also gained wide public support for doing successful missions. “Chandragupta in an anomalous position and, having gotten control of the Kingdom of Magadha. Chandragupta was master of the largest empire ancient India was to know.” (Violatti) This means that Chandra got control of his empire after conquering many cities and he was known as the master of Northern India because he conquered all the cities in the North part of India. Chandragupta was also known as giving equal rights to both Men and Women. Even though Chandragupta Maurya conquered many states and unified India as 1 he still had a kind heart by doing good things for his people and help them.
This shows the coins that were used at the Mauryan empire for buying goods or supplies and other things.https://coinindia.comChandragupta was a loyal king who seized many lands just for his people and unite India as 1 state. “After becoming the master of all Northern India, Chandragupta began a campaign to conquer the southern half of the Indian subcontinent. Battle after battle, the Mauryan forces absorbed most of the independent Indian states until eventually, in 300 BCE, the borders of the Mauryan Empire extended southward into the Deccan Plateau.” (Violatti) This means that Since Chandragupta conquered all of the states in Northern India he also wanted to conquer a little bit of Southern India. After battle by battle Chandragupta army became to extend their territory towards Deccan Plateau. He also conquered Punjab and extended his territory as close as the Himalayas Mountains. Chandragupta was known as a good king. Just because of him Indian civilization grew more people started to support him and many other things. “His reign of some 30 years was overshadowed completely by that of his son Ashoka (c. 273-232 b.c.), under whom the Mauryan Empire reached its greatest extent. Under this energetic and warlike monarch, the Mauryas conquered all of what is now Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India except for the southernmost fraction of the subcontinent.” ( Anne Commire) This means that Chandragupta Maurya ruled for almost for 30 years and conquered places which is now named Pakistan and Bangladesh and other places. Chandragupta also was ambitious because since he was the master of northern India he also conquered some states in the South. His ambitious leads him towards conquering many states which gave him a lot of support. India meant everything to Chrandra even if it meant to sacrifice his live for his motherland. He protected his people and sent spies all over his area to see who is doing bad things so he can stop the people who are doing bad for the empire.
Drawing of Chanakya the guru of Chandragupta Maurya.https://en.wikipedia.orgChandragupta Maurya was a good King who gave equal rights to both men and woman but was the first ruler of India to unify India as 1 country. Was known one of the best rulers in history. He was really poor when he was a kid especially when his real parents left him and Chandra mentor named Chanakya picked him up. This shows the hard work Chandra made and he went from poor to really rich.So far chandragupta was a inspiring leader. He came back from a really poor family to a really rich Kingdom. He was a kind hearted ruler giving justice for people who they are right and giving more respect to girls. He unified India as one which no one did till this day. He inspired me because he went from poor to rich which shows me that he did a lot of hard work to get from sleeping on the floors to sleeping on enormous beds and living in a enormous kingdom. He also made all the states be connected to make India.This tells me that nothing is impossible if you want something. You work hard for it and believe in yourself. Chandragupta will still be known as India's ancient rulers of history who impacted India and the people. At that time India was not good because of the king Nanda. But when Chandra came along he changed everything which impacts India today.
1. Violatti, Cristian. "Chandragupta Maurya." Ancient History Encyclopedia. Ancient History Encyclopedia, 26 Jun 2014. Web. 03 Feb 2018.
2."Chandragupta Maurya." Historic World Leaders, edited by Anne Commire, Gale, 1994. Biography in Context, Accessed 3 Feb. 2018.
3."Chandragupta Maurya." Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale, 1998. Biography in Context, Accessed 3 Feb. 2018.
4.Gutenberg, Project. “Chandragupta Maurya.” Chandragupta Maurya | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - EBooks | Read EBooks Online,
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Last edited 2/17/2018 8:15:26 PM