Character Trait | Courage

The MY HERO Character Series. Learn more about courage through the examples of heroes.

Character Trait: Courage
Credit: MY HERO


Courage is demonstrated by heroes from across the globe in these featured films, art and stories. The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger and do something even when there is a risk is at the core of the character trait of courage. Meet remarkable heroes through these films, art and stories, and create a dialogue with your students on the importance of practicing courage in our daily lives.

Resources on Courage for High School Students

Students read the following stories and view the short films about individuals who had the courage to fight against racial injustice and made a positive difference.

Ruby Bridges

By: Olivia Keltner

Pashtana Durrani

By: Deborah Neff
Pashtana Durrani, who received the Malala Fund Education Champion award for her work on behalf of education for Afghan girls, is determined to continue providing educational opportunities for women and girls, even if she has to resist the Taliban and go underground.

Rosa Parks

By: Vritika from San Diego

Nelson Mandela by Muhammad Ali

By: Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali was a legend in the boxing ring and a hero to millions. Read his essay on his hero, Nelson Mandela, who fought apartheid.

John Lewis

By: Kathy Crockett, MY HERO
John Lewis has worked for civil rights for all for over 40 years.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

By: John Lewis
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Congressman John Lewis talks about how Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired him as a young man during the Civil Rights Movement

Fannie Lou Hamer

By: Nina Mariotti
Fannie Lou Hamer was a civil rights leader and voting rights advocate.

Face of Unity (Trailer)

Produced by:Dir: Adam Radly
Face Of Unity is the definitive Nelson Mandela documentary feature and first retrospective to be released since the president's death in late 2013.

Get in the Way [Trailer]

Produced by:Dir. Kathleen Dowdey
n 1965, the historic Selma March known as Bloody Sunday was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement. John Lewis—now a revered U.S. Congressman, then a young student—co-led hundreds of peaceful marchers seeking voting rights for African Americans in the South. When they came face to face with a wall of club-wielding Alabama state troopers, Lewis took a steadfast, non-violent stand and inspired his followers to do the same. Graphic depictions of the ensuing assault were televised on the nightly news and shocked Americans to the core as they witnessed blatant racial oppression.


Produced by:Anson Schloat and John G. Young
A film about John Lewis on citizenship and character: "To be a good citizen is to obey the rules...the laws. Unless those laws conflict with your conscience.

Berta Cáceres was born to a native Lenca community in southwestern Honduras and worked her whole life as an environmental and human rights advocate. Máxima Acuña, a subsistence farmer in Peru’s northern highlands, stood up to the  Colorado-based Newmont Mining Corporation over the development of a gold and copper mine on her property.

Berta Cáceres

By: Rachel Parsons

Mother of All Rivers

Produced by:Will Parrinello
Berta Cáceres rallied her indigenous Lenca people to wage a grassroots protest that successfully pressured the government of Honduras and the world's largest dam builder to withdraw from building the Agua Zarca Dam.

Water Song

Produced by:Mill Valley Film Group/Will Parrinello
Máxima Acuña, a subsistence farmer in Peru’s northern highlands, stood up to Newmont Mining Corporation!

Additional Stories and Films about Heroes who Demonstrate Courage

Iqbal Masih

By: Arushi Dogra from San Diego
Iqbal Masih was a child laborer in Pakistan whose parents forced him to work starting at age 4 to pay off their debts. He escaped by age 10 and became an activist.

Bethany Hamilton

By: Taylor

Demi Lovato

By: Brittny Barcenas
Demi Lovato is a singer and actress who speaks up about mental health issues.

He Named Me Malala - Official Trailer

Produced by:Laurie MacDonald

Film: This documentary is a portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai. It documents her personal life and her inspiring journey as an activist.

Life On The Line

Brandon Hill

Film: This documentary explores the experiences of five firefighters from the L.A.F.D.

Resources on Courage for Middle School Students

Learn about Iqbal Masih, a 12-year-old who fought for his rights and the rights of his fellow child workers through film and stories. One story has text and audio allowing students to listen as they read along. There is also a link to the story in Spanish. 


Produced by:Anson Schloat and John G. Young
A 12-year-old fought for his rights and the rights of his fellow child workers.

Iqbal Masih

By: Attie from Anmore, Canada

Iqbal Masih (español)

By: Attie de Anmore, Canada

Read the following stories about individuals who had the courage to fight against racial injustice. The story written by Muhammad Ali about his hero Nelson Mandela has text and audio so students can listen as they read along. 

Ruby Nell Bridges

By: Madison
One of the most important heroes in the fight against segregation in America was a six-year-old girl, Ruby Nell Bridges.

Rosa Parks

By: Yian

Nelson Mandela by Muhammad Ali

By: Muhammad Ali
Muhammad Ali was a legend in the boxing ring and a hero to millions. Read his essay on his hero, Nelson Mandela, who fought apartheid.

Students view one or more of the following short films that highlight individuals who demonstrate courage to make a positive difference. 

Words Have Power

Produced by:Lynne Cherry

10-year-old Jaysa rallies the community with her speeches about how the power plant causes asthma  When they succeed in shutting down the plant, Jaysa concludes that “words have power.”

He Named Me Malala - Official Trailer

Produced by:Laurie MacDonald
HE NAMED ME MALALA is a portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai.

Life On The Line

Brandon Hill
This documentary explores the experiences of five firefighters from the L.A.F.D.

When a village begins to have the stones from their bridge stolen each side of the village starts to blame one another for stealing the stones. This story shows the power of forgiveness and courage when the villagers step forward and confess that they had all stolen stones from the bridge. Both sides of the village come together to rebuild the bridge and peace is restored within their community.

The Bridge

Produced by:Jeton Neziraj
A lovely animated tale of a special bridge. Kosovo

Resources on Courage for Upper Elementary School Students


Pashtana Durrani

By: Deborah Neff
Pashtana Durrani, who received the Malala Fund Education Champion award for her work on behalf of education for Afghan girls, is determined to continue providing educational opportunities for women and girls, even if she has to resist the Taliban and go underground.

Rosa Parks

By: Francisca Stewart

Rosa Parks made history when she refused to sit in the back of the bus. Story has text with an audio link. 

Iqbal Masih

By: Kelly Frost from North Carolina
Iqbal Masih was a child laborer who tried to save others like himself.


Words Have Power

Produced by:Lynne Cherry

10-year-old Jaysa rallies the community with her speeches about how the power plant causes asthma  When they succeed in shutting down the plant, Jaysa concludes that “words have power.”

MY HERO International Film Festival Winner Words Have Power is about a 10 year old girl who rallied her community to protest the health effects that a local power plant had on their community and succeeded in having the plant close.


Security is mostly a superstition.
It does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men 
as a whole experience it.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run 
than outright exposure.
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.
To keep our faces toward change and
behave like free spirits
in the presence of fate 
is strength undefeatable.

by Helen Keller
Let Us Have Faith (1940)


Ms. Rosa Parks by Gail Slockett

By: Gail G. Slockett

Portrait of Rosa Parks who refused to give up her seat on the bus even when she faced great adversity and racism 

Nkosi Johnson

By: Saint George

Nkosi Johnson was a  young South African child with HIV/AIDS, who made a powerful impact before his death.

Malala by Marilyn Huerta

By: Marilyn Huerta

Malala the young activist stood up to her enemies and continued to champion young girls' rights

MY HERO Character Series

Resources for Character Education
Credit: MY HERO

Additional MY HERO Resources

John Lewis
Credit: MY HERO
Nelson Mandela Multimedia Showcase Link
Credit: MY HERO

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By: Xenia Shin
Celebrated on the third Monday of January, this day of service honors the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. -- the most influential civil rights leader of US history.
Words Have Power Film and Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO

We honor those who have the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger and do something even when there is a risk is at the core of the character trait of courage. Please share your story about a hero you know who shows the power of courage. 

Sign the MY HERO guestbook and share your story.


Link to the MY HERO Guestbook
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 8/2/2019 6:24:57 PM by MY HERO Staff

Last edited 10/5/2021 1:49:02 PM by Laura Nietzer