Cheikh Darou Seck Global Educator

MY HERO honors Global Educator Cheikh Darou Seck, a principal from Dakar, Senegal. Since we met at an iEARN conference in Slovakia in 2004, Cheikh and his students have contributed stories, art and films to MY HERO and we are forever grateful to him for his leadership.


Cheikh Darou Seck
Credit: MY HERO

Cheikh has recently been promoted to Principal of a middle school in Dakar, Senegal and his new school needs help. He wants to continue to enhance and improve his students' access to technology and to the world.



By: Cheikh Darou Seck

The Elhadji Ibrahima Thiaw school, once one of the best schools in Dakar, Senegal, is in need of repair and equipment so students can become global citizens.

Cheikh Introduced His Students to the Power of HERO-based Storytelling.

MY HERO Global Exchange: Senegal

Produced by:MY HERO

The MY HERO Global Exchange visited Senegal.

Students in Dakar on MY HERO's Impact 10 years later..

Cherikh Darou Seck

Students from Dakar, 10 years after taking part in MY HERO Media Arts Education and its impact on their future

The MY HERO Report II - Ablaye

Produced by:Fary Sakho & Cheikh Seck

An engaging look at Ablaye, who embodies determination in the face of adversity.

Films that Teach the World about Senegal

Mother Mary

Produced by:Cheikh Darou Seck from Senegal, AFRICA
Mother Mary works to help children affected by AIDS in Senegal.

Bridge of Unity

Produced by:Cheikh Darou Seck
"Bridge of Unity" is about a bridge that joins two communities, one Muslim, and the other Christian.

Heroes Day

Produced by:Cheikh Darou Seck
Students in Senegal create art in tribute to their heroes.

Wet Feet

Produced by:Cheikh Seck
A cry for help in Senegal!

Mangrove Woman

Cheikh Darou Seck
Senegalese women living in the small city of Coal Fadiouth fight for the reforestation of the mangrove.

Waste Management in Joal

Produced by:Cheikh Darou Seck
Two committed people have been able to to help a community better manage their domestic waste.

Recycled Materials Created into Art by the Bird Maker in Senegal

The Bird Maker

Produced by:Cheikh Darou Seck
This is a documentary film about the artist MAMADOU TALL DIEDHIOU, created by filmmaker Cheikh Darou Seck from Senegal.

Film Festival 2005 The Bird Maker Film Produced

By: Cheikh Darou Seck

Personal Video about Cheikh's Son's Heart Disease and Treatment


Cheikh Darou Seck

This video is about the heart disease and miraculous recovery of my baby boy, Serigne Malick Seck.


Credit: Ndeye Ndiate Ndiaye from Senegal

Doorway to Freedom

By: Cheikh Seck from Senegal


By: Antonio Mendoza

Senegalese Woman by Fatimata Bintou Diallo

By: Fatoumata Bintou Diallo from Senegal
Artist portrays the Senegalese Woman as a woman hero

My Mom by Fatimatah Bindi Diallo from Senegal

By: Fatimatah Bindi Diallo
Senegal artist Fatimatah Bindi Diallo portrays her hero, her mother in traditional dress and with loving compassion


By: Cheikh Seck from Senegal
Cheik Seck from Senegal depicts AIDS awareness

Cheikh's Poems

Three Poems from Cheikh Darou Seck

By: Cheikh Darou Seck

Odile Dewar's Response to Cheikh

Odile Dewar's Response to Cheikh Darou Seck's Tribute

By: Odile Dewer

Organizer created on 11/13/2019 2:13:35 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 6/15/2022 2:37:56 PM by Abigail Richardson