Christina Aguilera as a child The idea of a hero has been altered throughout society, yet heroes are typically displayed as the knight in shining armor, or the savior with a cape. Although, to be honest, there is so much more to being a hero than the uniform worn or the physical strength displayed. One doesn’t need physical attributes to be considered a hero. Heroic characteristics are necessary as well. Heroes must possess both passion and courage. There are many people who possess heroic characters, and one of those people are Christina Aguilera. Growing up, Aguilera had a rough childhood, as she was forced to suffer from an abusive father both physically and mentally. While this caused havoc within her life, her singing allowed her an escape from a toxic environment. As she grew older, her passion for singing remained present, and continuously left her audience in awe. With this, Aguilera took advantage of the platform she possessed, using it to create empowering music for women across the nation.
Christina Aguilera singing as an
Christina Aguilera as a child, doing this was much easier said than done, as the commitment to stick with music as an outlet through her disturbing childhood would take a great amount of passion. Through the course of one’s life, one tends to lose many characteristics and cycle through many hobbies that later could have benefit them. Therefore, it is hard to possess passion when disturbances from past occurrences can cause for one to be not only traumatized, but for their interests to be changed drastically. When this occurs and one tries to gain back their motivation, they get knocked down a few times and decide to give up on it. Unlike those, though, Christina Aguilera tries to put that example out there that if you work hard you can accomplish yours dreams. “Her passion soon turned to her salvation as her father experienced emotional difficulties and developed a bent for physical violence and verbal abuse against his family. Aguilera learned very quickly to find an escape from her dismal home life by focusing on music,”(Contemporary Musicians 2). Through music she found a way to nurture herself in her difficult early childhood. The music was her positive outlet to help her grow. As we all grow knowledge in the difficult past Aguilera had, we also grow security and inspiration that we can do the same. "I think that the reason that my drive was so strong and I was so passionate about music was because I grew up in an environment of domestic violence," Aguilera told Neil Strauss in Rolling Stone. "Music was my release to get away from it all. I would seriously run up to my bedroom and put on that Sound of Music tape…”(Newsmakers 2). Aguilera went on to say that her father has since apologized for the abuse. Her ability to pursue that passion encourages people they can do the same. She was able to take an ugly situation and turn it into a life lesson that helped her create a beautiful life style and journey. This is heroic because people can look at her passion and feel motivation to stick to actions that will better their lives in the future. Kids are the future, they will be taking care of the old when they are adults, and it’s the former adult’s job to raise them up to be the best they can be. Although, sometimes parents fall through and it’s up to the kids themselves. For example, growing up with abuse in a household, there's two ways to grow from that; negatively and positively. She is a true inspiration. She was able to look at the bright side of her failure and work harder until she achieved. She is an American inspiration for kids with any type of broken home.
Christina Aguilera in music video "can't hold us down" a hero, an additional, necessary characteristic for one to possess is courage. Without courage, one is unable to illuminate what they are passionate about, preventing them from being an inspiration to others. When one has courage, they are able to speak up for what they believe in. With the right attitude and approach, one can achieve that goal for themselves, yet the correct approach and attitude requires courage to follow through with. “Nevertheless, Aguilera was frank in several interviews about her resentment of the double standard in the treatment of male and female stars. She pointed out that when boy bands like N'Sync and Backstreet Boys do pelvic thrusts on stage or attend strip clubs, it is macho, but if she or Spears bare their tummies or sing suggestive lyrics, they are lambasted for being overly sexual. Aguilera was skewered in the media at one point when it was reported that she had attended a strip club with some male performers. She remarked to Strauss in Rolling Stone, ‘They totally overlook the fact that Backstreet Boys cuss during their interviews, go to strip clubs all the time and do normal things for their age. It's not a dis to them, but it's so unfair.’”.(Newsmakers 13). It is very hard for one to be vocal about issues such as sexism within the media, especially when the media has such a huge influence on what people can think of celebrities such as her, yet her courage pushed her to speak out for what she believed needed to be said. “Beautiful, appearing on the cover with only her long hair for a top covering, Aguilera claimed that the album's title referred to her emotions” (Contemporary Hispanic Biography 4). Aguilera used her albums to display the range of emotions that she experienced throughout her life. Typically, people try to cover up what they have been through to prevent a negative image, yet she summoned courage to go against society’s expectations through her embracement of the struggles she was put through. Her courage has not only been inspirational to fans, but has shown them that they have somebody to relate to while helping them feel motivated to take power for the good.
Through her ability to inspire others with passion and courage, Christina Aguilera is a hero. Her passion enabled her to stick with music, which was a good outlet from her distressed home life. Along with that, her courage pushed her to look at the bright side of things and speak on important issues that were necessary to be said in the community. Her effects within society will always remain inspirational to millions across the nation. She unveiled the possibility of creating a better future for oneself from a young age.
Works Cited
"Christina Aguilera." Contemporary Musicians, vol. 61, Gale, 2008. Biography In Context, Accessed 14 Apr. 2018.
"Christina Aguilera." Newsmakers, Gale, 2000. Student Resources In Context, Accessed 14 Apr. 2018.
"Christina Aguilera." Contemporary Hispanic Biography, vol. 2, Gale, 2002. Biography In Context, Accessed 14 Apr. 2018.
“Christina Aguilera | Biography & History.”Erlewine, Stephen Thomas.AllMusic, Accessed 14 Apr. 2018.
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Last edited 4/19/2018 3:35:54 AM