Media Arts 2020




"A lot of cinematography is intuition. It's an art, not a formula."

-Reed Morano, Cinematographer




DSLR Guide - 10 Tips for beginner Filmmakers

Simon Cade shares 10 things he wish he knew when he started filmmaking.The more you learn and incest yourself toward film making the more progress you will make as a film maker. Cade shares resources for filmmakers to learn more about their craft and more.











YouTube Creator Academy -Camera & Lighting Tips to Look Great From Home 

If you're struggling to capture great looking content while you stay-at-home, with limited space and gear, we know the feeling. We're here to provide some tips and tricks to get the most out of your camera and home, even if it's the one on your phone. In this livestream we'll talk about optimizing your camera, available lighting, and space. We'll cover camera settings, placement, and composition; lighting techniques; and art direction.




Camera Framing and Motion

Matt from Squaresville shares tips on shot composition, camera framing, and more!