Clara Barton was a very important person. She had a good college education. Clara was also a pioneering nurse. Clara Barton was and still is important.
Clara Barton as a Clara Barton had a rough childhood. Mrs. Barton was born on December 25, 1821, in fabulous Oxford, Massachusetts. Clara’s parents already had four gorgeous children before Clara: two brothers and two sisters. Clara went to school at terrific Clinton Liberal Institute in New York. Clara Barton then went on to an excellent life.
Clara Barton is well-known because she was the founder of the American Red Cross. She saved people from the war. Clara Barton saved many lives. Clara Barton should have been recognized more.
Mrs. Barton made a magical impact on many people. She saved a lot of lives. She helped out a lot of people. She made sure people wouldn't die so they could be with their family longer. Clara Barton was a very important lady.
Clara Barton was not just the founder of the American Red Cross, she had other elegant qualities too. First, Clara was brave because when she saw pictures of her former students who were now soldiers, she felt that she needed to give first aid on the battle fields and she finally did. Second, she was also very helpful when she went out onto the battlefields and gave first aid to soldiers. Finally, she was smart and so she knew how to do first aid on someone if they got hurt. Clara Barton had a lot of qualities.
Clara Barton saved many lives. She was the founder of the American Red Cross. Clara was a pioneering nurse and helped out on the battlefield. She knew how to do first aid. Clara Barton was a very valuable.
Page created on 5/2/2019 4:02:50 PM
Last edited 5/3/2019 7:48:07 PM
Museum, BartonCenter. For kids: frequently asked questions about Clara Barton. [Online] Available