Climate Action Day: November 3

Get inspired by these short films, stories, poetry, and artwork addressing the issues of Climate Change.

Climate Action Day Nov 3
Credit: MY HERO

Goldman Prize Winners

The Goldman Environmental Prize Winners 2024

By: Naomi Gledhill
Read this story about the 2024 winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize, for their grassroots efforts to protect our planet.

Murrawah Maroochy Johnson - Goldman Environmental Prize

By: Goldman Environmental Prize
Murrawah Maroochy Johnson blocked development of the Waratah coal mine.

Murrawah Maroochy Johnson

By: Naomi Gledhill
Read this story about Murrawah Maroochy Johnson, one of the 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize winners.

Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu - Goldman Environmental Prize

By: Goldman Environmental Prize
In September 2022, Indigenous activists Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu stopped destructive seismic testing for oil and gas off South Africa’s Eastern Cape.

Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu

By: Naomi Gledhill
Read this story about Nonhle Mbuthuma and Sinegugu Zukulu, winners of the 2024 Goldman Environmental Prize.

Climate Activist Films

Who Should Decide The Future of the Amazon?

By: Martin Kingman | Executive Producer: Amazon Frontlines
A global campaign aims to raise awareness on the urgent need to respect Indigenous people's right to decide over the future of their territories, cultures & lives.

Pieces of Us

By: Anthony Wahome Njuguna
Pieces of Us’ reminds us of the positive and negative impacts of tourism, and what can be achieved by human ingenuity in the fight against plastic pollution.

Rural Runners (Trailer)

By: Forest Woodward
RURAL RUNNERS follows a progressive climate activist as she becomes the youngest representative elected to both the Maine House of Representatives and Senate.

Rainforest Action

Will Parrinello

In 2020 Nemonte received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize and was named to Time Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people.

Dayna Reggero / The Story We Want - Episode 1 - Coal and Climate Nominated for Dan Eldon Activist Award

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer
Two grassroots environmental activists--moms address fracking and coal ash dumping in Walnut Grove and the state of North Carolina.

The Story We Want - Episode 1 - Coal and Climate

Dayna Reggero
Dayna Reggero traveled across America to listen to ordinary women who are confronting fossil fuel industries, climate change impacts, and a culture of extraction.

Matagi Mālohi: Strong Winds

Forest Woodward, Canyon Woodward, Aidan Haley
We need to be the strong winds, that Matagi Mālohi, that bring the change our people need to see.

Our Atoll Speaks (Ko Talatala Mai Tō Mātou Wenua) - Trailer

Gemma Cubero del Barrio

Our Atoll Speaks (Ko Talatala Mai Tō Mātou Wenua) is a communal film poem about the vast environmental knowledge of Pukapuka/Nassau, an atoll in the Northern Group of the Cook Islands.

Mourning Country

Andrew Kaineder
After the loss of his home and Aboriginal culture centre, Budawang elder Noel Butler mourns not for the structures that once stood, but for the flora and fuana we share this land with.

Road to Carbon Apocalypse

SODEIT Cameroon
Road to Carbon Apocalypse  SODEIT Climate, Agriculture & Environmental Education (CAEE) Programme

Young People Making a Positive Difference

Waking from a Dream about Forests

By: Maeta Gray | Pacific Elementary School
A poem appreciating forests

Global Youth Climate Movement

By: Slater Jewell-Kemker
Slater Jewell-Kemker interviews inspiring young activists from the Global Youth Climate Movement and US Youth for Sustainable Development.

1.5 Degrees of Peace

By: Kasha Sequoia Slavner
Kasha sets out to change the world.

Children demand climate change action through protests and lawsuits

By: Lin Taylor, Thomson Reuters Foundation

Though children are too young to vote, they're finding ways to take action in other ways.

Off the Grid: A Climate Solution

Produced by:Slater Jewell-Kemker
Two girls go to Nepal to build a shelter that will collect fresh water and solar energy in hopes of solving community problems.

Films Made by Youth

Brave New World

Zoltán Bendegúz Szabó | Toldy Ferenc High School
Brave New World is about climate change.

Climate Change

Philip Kapadia
The film showcases the effects of climate change, and what we could face if we don't take action soon.

Interview with Youth Activist Sophie Healy-Thow

Kitty Richardson

Young Climate Activists Slater Jewell-Kemker and Greta Thunberg

Slater Jewell-Kemker is a climate activist and was a student reporter for The MY HERO Project for many years. View her work on MY HERO as she worked towards completing an extraordinary feature documentary on Climate Activists called Youth Unstoppable which can be viewed online and the link is included below.

AN INCONVENIENT YOUTH - Copenhagen excerpt

Produced by:Slater Jewell-Kemker

This documentary gives a voice to kids on the front lines of climate change. (COP 15)

An Inconvenient Youth - Cancun

Produced by:Slater Jewell-Kemker

Youth activists are exasperated by a lack of action from world leaders regarding climate change. (COP 16)

An Inconvenient Youth - 2012

Produced by:Slater Jewell-Kemker from CANADA / USA
This important documentary film by MY HERO alum Slater Jewell-Kemker gives a voice to young people living and working on the front lines of climate change.

Slater Jewell-Kemker's Journey

Produced by:Jeanne Meyers
Slater is an environmental activist who uses film-making as her tool. She was inspired and empowered to make a difference growing up with the MY HERO Project.

Slater Unstoppable

Produced by:MY HERO

 Director Slater Jewell Kemker's started as a student filmmaker for MY HERO and now is a climate activist who has made a feature film about climate change. 

Slater Jewell-Kemker: Youth Reporter and Activist Filmmaker

Produced by:The Working Group

Slater Jewell-Kemker has been inspired to use media for expressing her activist voice since her teens.

Youth Unstoppable: Feature Film Made by Slater Jewell-Kempker 

Youth Unstoppable
Credit: Slater Jewell-Kempker

Greta Thunberg, was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 16. She exemplifies the heroic traits of courage and perseverance. Greta started out protesting alone and ignited a global youth climate movement.

Greta Thunberg

By: Ella Williams
On the first day, Greta Thunberg, a climate activist with Asperger's, protested outside of Swedish Parliament alone. Now, she's leading 1.5 million students globally.

Greta Thunberg

By: Gabriel

Paragraph about Greta Thunberg written by a student. 

Greta Thunberg: How a teen was able to change the world (Poem)

By: Clara

A poem about Greta Thunberg written by a student. 

Greta Thunberg

By: Ng Z-Yi from Malaysia

Greta Thunberg Collage

By: Amaya Holland
Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist who is internationally known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation.


Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change.

Chibeze Ezekiel of Ghana was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa in 2020 for his efforts to build a youth movement and mobilize community members to stop the construction of a 700 MW coal-fired plant. 

Chibeze Ezekiel /  Strategic Youth Network for Development / Goldman Environmental Prize Winner and Climate Activist

By: Deborah Neff, MY HERO Staff writer

Alternative Future

Will Parrinello

Chibeze Ezekiel’s four-year grassroots campaign led to the Ghanaian Environmental Minister canceling the construction of a coal-fired power plant.

Films appropriate for Elementary Students and Artwork created by an elementary student. 

Cool the Climate! [Trailer]

Denis Thomopoulos
Simon the Hippo and friends go on a song-filled adventure while learning about the world's changing climate...

MABON ‘The 8 year old activist’

Jack Davies
Our world has a serious ocean plastics problem. There are now a higher number of plastics in the ocean than the number of fish.

Organizer created on 10/27/2022 11:13:10 AM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 9/19/2024 9:45:41 AM by Abigail Richardson