
Colleen Bodnarchuk

by Janae Mass from Burstall, Saskatchewan

134503Mom and TeganC:\Users\Owner\Pictures\2016 Calendar\2016_Final\July_Final2.jpgMy hero is my mother, Colleen Bodnarchuk, because she has shown me how to be strong and compassionate no matter the circumstances. My mom does not take people for granted and understands the importance of close relationships. She is extremely loyal to others. My mother has always been here for my siblings and me, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

My mother was raised on a farm outside of Richmound, Saskatchewan, with three brothers. She learned the practicality of hard work and the significance of family bonding and trust. My mom is still very connected to her mother and brothers. Unfortunately, her father passed away six years ago, but while he was still with us, my mom remained close to him. I have the aspiration that when I have a family of my own, I will be able to stay in touch and carry on our bond with everyone in my family.

My mom is now a massage therapist in Burstall, Saskatchewan. She has had this profession for over twenty years and continues to provide dedicated service to the people in our town. My mother recently bought a new building so that she can set up her own shop instead of renting out from others. Through actions like these, she furthers her potential in her career. I admire the commitment she shows to all of her many clients, and most importantly her family. 

My mother has been through some very difficult situations in her lifetime. Despite these hardships, she came through stronger than ever before and is determined to live her best life. She takes time for herself so she can relax and spend more time with her husband and children. Whether it's planting flowers or going on walks, my mom always spends time with all of her friends and helps them in any way that she can. She is very generous with her time.

134504Mom laughingC:\Users\Owner\Pictures\Yearbook Images\20161220_125919.jpg Through all of her many dedicated hours to both the community and her family, my mother has become the type of person I strive to be. I wish that I can be as great of a mother as she is to her three children. There is nothing she wouldn't do for us. The support and love I feel from her on a daily basis are tremendous. In all of these ways, my mom is my hero.

Page created on 6/9/2019 9:06:16 PM

Last edited 6/10/2019 9:23:22 PM

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