Coronavirus Community Heroes June Finalists

Finalists for the June Coronavirus Community Heroes essay contest.

Coronavirus Community Heroes Contest
Credit: Public Domain via Pixabay

Middle School Finalists

Uzbekistan pupils against coronavirus

By: Marjona Boboeva
Marjona Boboeva's poem about learning from home in Uzbekistan during the coronavirus.

Quinn Callander

By: Shanelle Felipe

Quinn Callendar is a 7th grader who invented ear guards that help relieve pressure from medical masks used widely during the coronavirus.

My Grandpa

By: Brianna Rasmussen
Brianna's grandpa is helping out around the house while she and her brother are home due to COVID-19.
Corona Heroes
By: Keira Caessens

Keira thanks all the essential workers who risk their lives to keep us safe during the coronavirus.

High School Finalists

My Coronavirus Hero: My Aunt

By: Saba Mosfehi

Saba's aunt is a physician balancing work and family while treating people with COVID-19. [Video attached]

Coronavirus Hero: Street Sweepers

By: Setayesh Salimi

Setayesh thanks the street sweepers in Tehran who continue to keep the neighborhood clean during the pandemic.

Adult Finalists

Alexandra Alexander

By: Lavern DeLima
Alexandra Alexander is an ER nurse in Queens who is helping patients with COVID-19.

Rachel Gemara: Nursing COVID-19 Patients in Israel

By: Ruth Ebenstein
Rachel Gemara is an oncology nurse in Jerusalem who treated patients with COVID-19 at a popup unit at Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

There's Still Time to Submit! 

 Our second round of the Coronavirus Community Heroes contest is open until 10/1, and we've expanded it to include art and film.

Coronavirus community heroes contest
Credit: MY HERO

Organizer created on 6/2/2020 1:15:30 AM by Shannon Luders-Manuel

Last edited 7/15/2020 4:55:44 PM by Shannon Luders-Manuel