
Crystal Rodriguez

by Edward B from Ontario, California in United States

"Go to school so you can pursue your dreams."

Heroes, in my opinion, are people who help others when nobody else will. Or people who help others and don't expect anything in return. People who help others pursue their dreams are definitely heroes in my eyes, because heroes are kind people who care for others. My heroes are people with good personalities and hearts of gold.

Graduating high school and starting college are things that Crystal Rodriguez is proud of accomplishing. She finished high school and started college to set an example for her kids. Crystal is proud of her children and how much they have accomplished. “I feel honored to be someone's hero.” Crystal says she wouldn't change anything in her life because everything that has happened made her the strong, independent woman she is now.

Things that were troublesome in Crystal’s life were school, and living situations. School wasn't a big “priority” in her family. Another problem was where Crystal lived. She lived in bad neighborhoods and never stayed in one place for too long; she moved a lot. Another problem in Crystal’s life was her father’s death. She overcame her problems, except for one. She went to school and did whatever she had to, to get good grades. Although she moved a lot, she was still able to get her education. The one problem she couldn't overcome was… her father’s death. She just accepted that he was gone and knew it wasn't going to change. Although school wasn't a big priority to her family when she was younger, Crystal makes her children go to school, helps them on their homework, and helps them understand new things, so they get a good grade. My Tia Crystal inspires me and my siblings to finish school and pursue our dreams.

Crystal was motivated by her parents. “Always pushed forward to show us how to be great adults. Also, taught us right from wrong and tried to keep us from getting in trouble.” Crystal’s childhood was great, according to her, because she got to experience things most kids are unable to. Because she knows how fun it is to experience new things, she takes her kids to places they've never been before and is trying to take them to more places and to do new activities.

133649My Tia at the beach with my little sister.Personal PhotoCrystal Rodriguez is my hero because she does anything she can to help her family. Also, because she's been there for me all my life and has never given up on me. She does everything she can to make me happy and give me what I need, and always makes sure I have food and clothes.

Page created on 4/15/2019 6:48:50 PM

Last edited 5/16/2019 5:36:12 PM

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