
Dj Irene

by joe from Houston

Latley I have been listenig to the tunes of DJ Irene. So far I think that her mixes are better then anybody elses. That is my opinion.

she started spinning in 1984 while attending college for commercial photography. A friend, Henry DeLapena she met on campus motivated her to follow her hobby and to not stop. She started off spinning at local parties. On the weekends if she was not in school or spinning the turntabels, she was at the clubs watching her favoriteDj just to help her master her own craft.

As time went on she got better and better. She would make little cd's, some what like samples. she would give them to her friends to listen to. But then some cd producer got a hold of one of the cd's and liked it and asked her if she would like to make a cd that would be big one that would sale in stores.

After she made her first cd, she started spinning at raves. she got so good that people wanted her to keep on playing at the raves. Then she made more cd's. she has quite a few cd's out. For example she has out Dj irene Hard HOuse Diva. Also she has out Dj Irene under ground mix and a club series with Laura B., another dj.

Dj Irene is my hero because she makes wanting to become a dj fun, because she proves that you can make any tune you want. Also she makes dancing fun. I dont like rap all you hear is the same lyrics and beats. In house music you totally diffrent beats and lyrics because every dj has his or her own style. Thats why Dj Irene is my Hero. Now if you look for her you find her at raves. really not at many but that is where you will catch her. that is my hero Dj Irene.

Page created on 9/26/2001 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/26/2001 12:00:00 AM

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