
My doctor, my hero

Dr Arun Gupta

by Sheree Davis from Monroe, Michigan in United States

"Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we just get stronger and more resilient"

146922Hero DoctorBarnes and NobleMost people think of a hero as someone who rescued another person from a dire situation, like a burning building or saving them from some terrible event. My hero didn't have to run into fire to save me, or risk his own life to do so, but that doesn't make him any less of a hero because at the end of the day he not only saved me, but I have been blessed to watch him save so many others. Dr Arun Gupta is absolutely a hero and a savior of so many lives and I believe this man will save many more. When I came to him for help I had been struggling with a pain pill addiction for 3 years, an addiction that had consumed my life for so long I couldn't see a way out. At my yearly physical Dr Gupta called me out, he knew I was strung out and instead of turning his back on me he reached his hand out and offered me a new, better life if I was willing to do the work. He pushed me to believe in myself and to believe in my recovery. And he never gave up on me, which made it so much easier for me to get my life back. And because he believed in me, made me believe in myself, five years later I am clean and sober and my life is markedly different in so many positive ways. He even gave me a job, that is how much he believed in me. Dr Gupta saved my life, helped me find purpose, and I consider him more than my doctor, he is now my friend, a part of my family. The world we live in does not afford doctors the time they should have with their patients, but not Dr Gupta. He will make the time, and that in itself makes him a very special man. But beyond that, he has taken everything he has learned and witnessed to write an amazing book that will save so many more lives and educate doctors through his experiences. "The Preventable Epidemic: A Frontline Doctor's Experience and Recommendations to Resolve America's Opioid Crisis" is the book he recently released and I truly believe this book will elevate Dr Guptas hero status tenfold. This wonderful man is proof not all heros rise through extremely traumatic experiences, sometimes a hero can just be the guy who you see once a month. I hope all addicts who truly want to be better can have a doctor like mine, someone who genuinely cares about recovery and the value of ALL human life. Dr Gupta never made me feel judged, less than, or unworthy of getting my life back. Every day I am thankful for this wonderful hero who truly saved my life and I will do anything I possibly can to get this amazing man the recognition he absolutely deserves. 

Page created on 1/29/2022 2:29:12 PM

Last edited 1/31/2022 3:22:31 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The Preventable Epidemic - What makes my hero that much more special, this will save many more lives!

Author Info

Sheree Davis